(The Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, Jan. 6)
- House Blessings now thru end of February,
- Watch for info on signups...
- Explore our Theophany Resource Section...
We continue to urge late pledgers to prioritize and attend to this important matter of Christian Stewardship as soon as possible. Please submit your pledge in support of the parish in 2018.
As in the past, we have posted a convenient Online Pledge Form so you can fill out your pledge in a few easy steps.
Please follow the link to our 2018 Online Signup Form to schedule with Fr Steven to have your home blessed. The Online System is designed to simplify the scheduling of evening house blessings. If you would like Fr Steven to bless your home during daylight hours, please contact him directly. Thank you!
January 21 was Zacchaeus Sunday, the first announcement that Great Lent is drawing near, five Sundays befre the beginning of the Fast. The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (which falls on January 28 this year) also sees the Church begin using the Lenten Triodion, the service book which will take us all the way through Lent and Holy Week.
Each of the Pre-Lenten Sundays has a lesson for us as the Church prepares us for the 'Tithe of the Year' and the rigors of fasting, prostrations and the way of repentance. Learn more by exploring our Pre-Lent Section, and our extensive Great Lent Resource Section.
Download and print our complete Great Lent Calendar in PDF format.
Great Lent begins Monday, February 19.
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The Pan-Orthodox Choir for the 2016 Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers, held that year at St George Serbian Orthodox Church |
- Sunday, Feb. 25, 6:00pm
- Lenten dinner to follow in our church hall.
Join us for this annual Pan-Orthodox Vespers with concelebrants and parishioners from regional Orthodox churches, to be followed by a multi-ethnic Lenten meal and fellowship in our newly renovated church hall. We are honored to host this event this year, and hope you can join us!
Guests & Visitors: map & directions to our church here. We look forward to seeing you!
Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers 2018
held this year at:
Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit Orthodox Church
V. Rev. Steven C. Kostoff, rector
4285 Ashland Ave, Norwood OH 45212
513-351-0907 • Map & Directions
Sunday, February 25:
• 6:00pm - Vespers of the Triumph of Orthodoxy
• followed by Multi-Ethnic Lenten Refreshments & fellowship
Join us for this unique tradition of Pan-Orthodox Vespers with concelebrants and parishioners from regional Orthodox churches, followed immediately by a multi-ethnic Lenten meal in our newly renovated church hall. We are honored to host this traditional pan-Orthodox event this year.
Guests & Visitors, you can find map & directions to our church here.
Scroll down to learn more about the Iconoclast Heresy, the Restoration of the Holy Icons, and the Triumph of Orthodoxy.
We look forward to seeing you!
Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers (Feb. 25)
• On Sunday, February 25, we hosted this Cincinnati-area pan-Orthodox Vespers.
• See full coverage on our Photo Gallery page.
Lenten Retreat 2018
• Saturday March 17, 9:00am - 4:00pm
• Two Sessions: join us in the morning, afternoon, or both!
• Special guest speaker Khouria Krista West
• Topic: 'Envisioning the Kingdom - the Why and How of Beauty in the Orthodox Church'
• Full details & online registration here.
2018 LENTEN RETREAT, with Kh. Krista West
Saturday, March 17, 9am - 4pm
Envisioning the Kingdom ~
the Why and How of Beauty in the Orthodox Church
Is beauty simply a trivial pursuit or could it be the means through which we envision the Kingdom of Heaven?
Join us as we welcome noted speaker, author, and ecclesiastical tailor Krista West, as she explores the Orthodox Christian approach to beauty and why beauty is such an important part of the Orthodox tradition.
Full details and schedule now available, plus info on our distinguished guest speaker and retreat leader. Online registration is now available. We hope you can join us!
WHAT: Annual Church Cleanup to prepare for Holy Week & Pascha.
WHO: Opportunities for the Entire Family, all ages welcome!
WHEN: Saturday March 24, 8 am to Noon.
FUEL: Light refreshments will also available and we will need someone to set up and clean up the refreshments.
We are once again closing in on the Annual Church clean up and are in need of those who volunteer as individuals and as families to thoroughly clean the Church, Hall and grounds. Many hands make light work and numerous volunteers are needed in many areas on Saturday March 24 from 8 am to Noon. Light refreshments will also available and we will need someone to set up and clean up the refreshments.
Please email mickeycallender100 at gmail dot com or leave a message on my cell [see parish directory] with the time and type of job you would be interested in assisting with on the clean up day.
Altar Area – Select jobs based on familiarity within the Altar.
Dusting Walls, Vacuuming, Cleaning Pews and Window Sills in Church
• Dusting Walls - done with long poles that provides a great upper body work out.
• Window Sills – Dust and clean up and wax from candles with plastic scrapers.
• Entry - Vacuum rug and mop the tile. The outside of the wood doors should be washed with dish soap & water and finished with Murphy’s Oil Soap.
• Pews – Great job for lightly supervised kids!! – We use Murphy’s Oil Soap, rags and rubber gloves in various sizes are available if needed by the kids.
• Vacuuming – We have multiple vacuums!
Polishing Candle Stands – Polish, gloves, rags, paper towels, and polishing microfiber rags are available to use per your preference. This is big job and need multiple people working on the 6 stands.
Bathrooms – Please do all 4 bathrooms and overstock with supplies for use by the expected crowds during Holy Week. If time permits please clean the stairwell to the Education Center.
Kitchen – Please focus on cleaning counters, sink and mopping the floor. If time permits clean any walls, window sills, and appliances as needed.
Hall Stage – Please be sure to clean the window sills, sweep and mop the floor.
Hall Floor – This is a great job for a family with kids!!!
• Parents that use the high chairs – please clean all high chairs.
• Wipe down tables if necessary.
• Vacuum carpets and roll up to be unrolled after floor dries.
• Start on the side furthest from the bathrooms. Slide out all chairs from about ¼ of the tables. Dust mop and Swiffer the entire floor.
• Do not forget the Hall entry!!
Church Grounds – Children MUST be supervised!
• Remove and trash from bushes and curbs.
• Sweep out the stairwells to ensure both drains are clear from debris.
Calling all hands! Parish Cleanup Day is Saturday, March 24, from 8am to Noon!
This is our annual pre-Pascha deep-clean effort, with plenty of jobs both indoors and outdoors for all ages. Light refreshments will be provided (but we need volunteers for setup and cleanup). See our special event page for full details, a listing of areas and tasks, and contact info to sign up to help. This is always a fun event, and is a great way for children to learn to love and help serve in the church.
We hope to see you there!
Join us for this powerful festal interlude following the conclusion of Great Lent — the Raising of Lazarus from the dead, and the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem — which announces in advance Christ's victory over death, and celebrates His coming into His Kingdom. Then join us for our Holy Week services, which begin at 7 o'clock the evening of Palm Sunday with the first of the Bridegroom Matins.
- Fri. March 30, 7:00pm - Vespers for Lazarus Saturday
- Sat. March 31, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy
- Sat. March 31, 6:00pm - Vigil for Palm Sunday
- Sun. April 1, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy (Hours at 9:10am)
GREAT LENT - Schedule & Resources
Our Journey to Pascha begins Monday, February 19 as we enter the Great Fast of Lent. Join us for the unique Lenten services, which serve as a "school of repentance" through their "joy-producing sorrow."
Our parish website has numerous resources for your Lenten journey, covering the Sundays of Lent, the special weekday services, and much more. We also feature a handy Lenten schedule in PDF format or available in church. Sync your smartphone, tablet and PC to our online calendar and never miss a service.
Christ the Savior is hosting the annual Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers this year: Sunday, Feb 25, 6:00pm. Pan-Orthodox Vespers with members from regional churches, followed by a multi-ethnic lenten meal in our newly renovated church hall. (See the separate news story on this page.)
And, we invite you to join us on Saturday, March 17 for our 2018 Lenten Retreat, with special guest speaker Kh. Krista West. (See the separate news story on this page.)
- Explore our Great Lent Resource Section
- See Fr Steven's Lenten Reading List
- Read Fr Steven's Lenten Meditations
Explore our special articles, podcasts and video selections for the Lord's Great and Holy Passion Week, including reflections by Fr Alexander Schmemann on the Eschatological Nature of the Bridegroom Matins, Timing the Events of Holy Week as recounted in the Gospels, and much, much more. Visit our Holy Week Section here.
And we invite you to join us for our Holy Week services as we follow the Lord from Palm Sunday through His sufferings and the Cross for our salvation, leading to the Empty Tomb and the joyful proclamation of the Resurrection. Full schedule posted, and available for download in printable PDF format. You can also sync your phone, tablet or computer to our online calendar and be reminded of all our services.
New Semester at XU - I will begin teaching again at Xavier University next Monday as the Spring semester begins on January 8. I will be teaching a course entitled "Christian Mysticism," but actually it will be a course on Orthodox Christian Spirituality, as I will concentrate on the Eastern Church's emerging and developing spiritual Tradition beginning with the Scriptures. If this sounds remotely interesting, I am free to have visitors to my classroom, so let me know if you would ever like to "drop in." I am providing an attachment to the Course Outline for the first eight weeks if you would like to see some of the upcoming subjects. — Fr. Steven
From the Holy and Great Sunday of Pascha until the Saturday of Bright Week, in place of the usual Morning and Evening Prayers, and the Prayers of Thanksgiving after Holy Communion, the Paschal Hours are read.
This beautiful and brief service contains key hymns from the Pascha Service, and is included in most Orthodox prayer books. The Hours of Pascha is provided here in PDF format:
AND REMEMBER, we do not offer the opening prayer to the Holy Spirit, "O Heavenly King, O Comforter," until Pentecost! Instead we sing "Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death! And upon those in the tombs bestowing life!" This Paschal Troparion is sung until Ascension Thursday.
Learn more about the Resurrection of Christ and its celebration in the Orthodox Tradition here.
From the Holy and Great Sunday of Pascha until the Saturday of Bright Week, in place of the usual Morning and Evening Prayers, Nocturns, the Hours, Compline, and the Prayers of Thanksgiving after Holy Communion, the Paschal Hours are read.
This beautiful and brief service contains key hymns from the Pascha Service, and helps to bear us aloft in the joy and radiance of the Lord's Resurrection from the dead. Included in most Orthodox prayer books, the Hours of Pascha is provided here in PDF format:
AND REMEMBER, we do not offer the opening prayer to the Holy Spirit, "O Heavenly King, O Comforter," until Pentecost! Instead we sing "Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death! And upon those in the tombs bestowing life!" This Paschal Troparion is sung until Ascension Thursday.
We had a wonderful weekend with Bp. Paul in our midst, December 16-17. The church was filled for the Liturgy and most remained after for the fine banquet which followed. Relive the experience through a photo gallery of this special event in the life of the parish.
Our Photo Gallery also features over 400 photos from more than twenty events in the life of the parish in 2017. We hope you enjoy looking back over the feasts, special events, baptisms, and more, even as we look ahead to 2018. Also includes our Parish 40th Anniversary celebration, Fall Retreat, and other events from Autumn 2016. Proceed to our Photo Gallery page...
The first Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, February 25 this year, was a full day in the life of the parish.
Our Church School students made their annual procession with icons into the center of the church, where Fr Steven read the Synodicon proclaiming the veneration of the holy icons, and the icons were briefly described. After the students returned to the Education Center, they undertook their Lenten service project, packing lunches for the homeless, and received their IOCC collection boxes.
In the evening, we hosted the annual Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers for Cincinnati-area Orthodox churches. About a hundred filled the church and stayed for our Lenten meal following. St George (ROCOR), St George (Serbian), St James (Antiochian), and Holy Trinity-St Nicholas (GOA) were represented by clergy and faithful.
Proceed to our Photo Gallery page to view slide shows of these two celebrations, plus photos of the Great Canon during the First Week of Lent.
Dear Parish Faithful,
Christ is Risen!
We would like to extend the collection for Lydia’s House for a few more weeks. The blue bin is in the fellowship hall. Items needed include:
Items - Infant bath tub • Diapers sizes 1, 3, 4, 5 • Conditioner • Body wash • Razors • Kitchen cleaning spray • Toothpaste/floss
My thanks, Presv. Deborah
THANK YOU to all our Cookie bakers for our April 2018 in-prison weekend!
PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY for our Kairos in-prison team, and for the prisoners, this week and weekend, April 26-29!
ALSO, our Kairos Prison Ministry Team has posted a special appeal for volunteers. There are many of ways to support this ministry, both behind the prison walls, and within your home, from here at the parish, or even from your kitchen. Learn more here...
- Gospel according to John, Ch. 21
- Wed. April 25, 7:30pm
- Discussion Outline now posted!
On Wednesday evening, April 25, we will have a Bible Study session on John 21. Last summer, we studied JN. 13-21, but we were unable to cover chapter 21.
So, as that chapter covers events of Christ's Resurrection, it should prove to be more than a little timely to discuss that marvelous chapter, and thus closing our study and discussion of St. John's Gospel from last summer.A good way to keep alive the paschal spirit of this unique season in the Church...
Join us as we encounter the Risen Christ, 'by the Sea of Tiberias!'
Orthodox Christian Mission Center Presentation
- Thu. May 3, 6:30pm
- Refreshments provided
- Live Greek Music!
- View, download & print the event flier
Join OCMC and Presbytera Michelle Jannakos on Thursday, May 3 at 6:30pm, at the Athenian Restaurant, 10966 Reading Rd, Sharonville,OH 45241 for a presentation and discussion about the missionary work of our Orthodox Church in many parts of the world. The Orthodox Christian Mission Center in St. Augustine, Florida currently has 20 long term missionaries and sends about 150 individuals and families on short term mission teams.
- Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit helps support OCMC missionaries to Albania, Jeffrey and Caryn Macdonald. You can learn more about their nissionary work here.
These missionaries do their own fundraising and count on our support. Please join us to learn more about making disciples of all nations! There will also be food and Live Greek music by George and the Corner Band! If you have not received an invitation to our event and would like one please contact Jim Raptis at dimitrirap at gmail dot com. Full info available on the event flier in PDF format.
Whether you are a 'Cradle Orthodox', a convert, or a new seeker or inquirer, we greet you on Pascha, the Feast of Feasts, the Resurrection of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ!
This powerful historical event launched the Christian Church on its journey through history, and transformed the cosmos, even destroying death and granting us Eternal Life. As we sing in the hymns of Pascha, "Now all is filled with Light!"
Explore our Pascha to Pentecost Resource Section to learn more, and join us for our services. You can also read Fr Steven's Pascha Meditations. and meditations on the Resurrection, beginning with this important article: The Resurrection of Christ and the Rise of Christianity.
We will also soon be announcing our annual Summer Bible Study series, so keep watch for further info. We look forward to seeing you!
Fellowship Founders ‘Pledge Match Program’ ends June 30 - Act now!
To Complete the Fellowship Hall Renovation
From now through June 30, 2018, every new or increased gift or pledge will be effectively DOUBLED by matching donors, up to a total of $13,000!
- Fill out the Fellowship Founders Online Pledge Form...
- Full information on our Fellowship Founders 'Pledge Matching Program' page...
We are CLOSE! Help us FINISH the Fellowship Hall Renovation! Thank you!
To Complete the Fellowship Hall Renovation
Pledge Match Program ends June 30!
Parish Faithful -
This is to update you regarding the Fellowship Founders Hall Renovation fund drive. Thanks to the generosity of so many of our parishioners we are “within range”, only about $20,000 short, of our original goal of $210,000.
AND – we still have until June 30, to take advantage of our matching gift program, wherein any new pledges or increases in existing pledges up to $1,400 will be matched, in effect doubling your contribution
If you are at all considering either increasing your pledge or pledging anew, NOW is the time to act and take advantage of the match, Click here to enter your pledge. or email Gary George
We are so grateful to all who have pledged at any amount as it has enabled all parishioners and guests to experience true Orthodox fellowship in a safe, clean, welcoming atmosphere.
We are truly blessed, and your Fellowship Founders Committee thanks you.
Fellowship Founders Committee
Full infomation is provided on this special Fellowship Founders Pledge Match page, or you can proceed directly to the Online Pledge Form.
Exploring the Truth that God is Light and Love
The Three Catholic Epistles of St John
Class Resumes Wed. August 1
Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm.
Full info and our flier available here.
Bring your Bible and bring a friend!
Fr. Steven's special book signing following Liturgy on Sunday, July 8, resulted in us selling through our initial shipment! We will get resupplied soom, and all the proceeds from the book sales will go toward our parish bookstore that we hope to revive in the "near future."
If you were not here for the book signing, but have reserved a copy, we have your books put aside and will eventually get them to you!
'Monday Morning Meditations - Reflections of a Parish Priest', featuring dozens of Father Steven's writings from his Orthodox Christian Meditations Blog, has been published by Kaloros Press, and is available in our parish bookstore.
From the publisher's announcement:
"Fr. Steven offers us a way to practice mindfulness by opening our workaday to the Divine Reality that is so often relegated to Sunday services. It is that Reality that makes Monday mornings meaningful."
Publisher's description and full info, is available on this special page.
Dear Parish Faithful,
"Let your love be genuine; hate what is evil. Hold fast to what is good; love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor." (Rom. 12:9)
Fifteen Minutes of Fame - I very much enjoyed yesterday's book signing after the Liturgy. Book sales have exceeded all expectations, so we are currently all out of copies. More copies will eventually arrive for those who may still want to purchase one. If you were not here yesterday, but have reserved a copy, I have your books put aside and will eventually get them to you. All the money from the book sales will go toward our parish bookstore that we hope to revive in the "near future." I once again deeply appreciate your support.
Monastery Pilgrimage - A group of "parish pilgrims" will leave for the Transfiguration Monastery in Ellwood City, PA, on Tuesday morning and return Wednesday evening. I will also be a member of the group.
Bible Study - Therefore, the next session of the Bible Study will meet on Thursday evening of this week at 7:30 p.m. We will discuss I Jn. 4. In his epistle, St. John reveals that "God is love" (I Jn. 4:8).
Do you find that teaching: Inspiring/Intriguing/Irresistible/Incredible/Ineffable/Inconceivable/Incomprehensible or, simply, Interesting?
If any or all of the above: Please join us on Thursday evening!
Dear Parish Faithful,
My new book, Monday Morning Meditations - Reflections of a Parish Priest has been published and released. On the whole, I think it came out pretty well. We have ordered 25 copies for the parish. About 16 are already accounted for, and those parishioners have already reserved a copy with me. If you would like me to reserve you a copy, please contact me and let me know. If necessary, we can order more copies. I believe that the book will sell for $15.00 a copy here in the parish.
I have been persuaded to have a "book signing" session after the Liturgy. That is fine with me. We will do that this coming Sunday, July 8, in the church hall during our post-Liturgy fellowship. I thank everyone for your long-time support and ongoing encouragement to bring this endeavor to fruition. All of the meditations written in this book were written with the parish in mind first and foremost.
In Christ,
Fr. Steven
Dear Parish Faithful,
Dr. Theodora Combs is offering a tour at the Cincinnati Art Museum on Saturday, August 18th at 11:00 am. The tour is entitled "A Day in the Country: Impressionism and its Origins." (We will gather at the museum's Information Desk at 11:00.) Please contact Theodora direcly if you are interested.
A subsequent tour of Post-Impressionism, including the works of Van Gogh and Gaugin, will be offered in the late fall.
From Fr Steven:
September 1 will inaugurate yet another "church year." We will again begin that cycle of Fasts and Feasts of the Lord and the Theotokos that will immerse us in the movement of the divine economy - the design of God to bring the gift of salvation into the world, "for the life of the world."
The month of September will hold two of the Twelve Major Feasts of the Church Year, The Nativity of the Theotokos and The Exaltation of the Cross. In addition, we will commemorate the beginning of the Church Year with the deeply expressive Akathist hymn, "Glory to God For All Things." This has become a "favorite" of many in the parish...
Learn more and get the full schedule here. All services are included on our Parish Calendar with Smartphone Sync.
Visit our 2018 Lenten Retreat Archive page to read Fr Steven's summary of this special event in the life of the parish, led by renowned speaker and ecclesiastical tailor Kh. Krista West. Also posted is a beautifully done video of her giving a similar presentation in 2016 - ideal for those who could not attend, or who would lke to revisit the subject of The How and Why of Beauty in the Orthodox Church. A photo gallery from the retreat and numerous links and info make for an excellent ongoing resource.
Exploring the Truth that God is Light and Love
The Three Catholic Epistles of St John
- Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm beginning June 20.
- Full info and our flier available here.
Bring your Bible and bring a friend!
Youth Group Announcement - Teens 6th-12th grade are invited to the home of Presvytera Deborah and Fr. Steven on September 23 from 3:45 - 6:00 p.m. for discussion followed by pizza. Your teen will not want to miss it! More info here.
An Email invite was sent September 7. Please RSVP by September 20!
If you are unable to attend and would like information from the meeting, please contact Jennifer Haynes. - Thank you, The Youth Ministry
Sunday, Sept. 16 was our "Get Acquainted" and "Orientation" Day. The actual Church School curriculum begins Sunday, September 23.
New members? Late to register? No worries! Contact Fr. Steven, and we look forward to seeing you on Sundays!
From Fr Steven:
The Church School year of 2018-2019 will begin on Sunday, September 16. This year we will be studying selected New Testament books, the Feasts and the Sacraments. New parishioners with children ages 3-18 years of age should contact me to register for classes. In addition to our weekly classes there will be several service projects and a Saint Nicholas program on Dec 9th, 2018.
We will thus also begin our post-Liturgy discussions on Sunday, September 16. If you have a topic of interest that you would want me to address, please pass those on to me.
The North American Thebaid returns to Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit, as our own Ralph Sidway joins us this Sunday, September 23, for a special Post-Liturgy talk. Ralph will share about his extensive travels to visit and photograph over thirty Orthodox monasteries across our vast continent.
His project is nearing completion with the imminent publication of a large-format coffee-table photo book. Ralph will also provide a special display in the Parish Hall during our fellowship and refreshments, with a self-running digital slide show of some of his best images from the Thebaid Project, and will be available for Q&A on his odyssey to provide phtographic "glimpses" of the hidden, holy way of life in Orthodox monasticism.
For more info and to pre-order the book, you can visit Ralph's website at
Our Youth Group launched its new year with pizza, fellowship, and planning on September 23. The dynamic gathering of twenty (including at least one guest teen) began mapping out its upcoming activites by prioritizing Fellowship outings, Service opportunities, and key discussion topics in Faith.
Missed our first meeting? No problem! Contact Jennifer Haynes to get connected for future gatherings! Learn more on our Youth Group page.
From Fr. Steven:
Our short stay at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery is over as we have returned home. It was a wonderful visit for all thirteen of us: Presvytera Deborah and granddaughter Nadia; the Fenners and the Frasches; Kathy Wynkoop with her two daughters; and Cynthia Hollister. Greetings from our former parishioner, Mother Paula. While there, we heard a short presentation by Mother Seraphima of her experience at an International Orthodox Music Symposium in MN. Perhaps I will address this in the future.
Looking to get away? Or for genuine peace and quiet? "Get ye to a nunnery!" - as someone once said.
To learn more about Orthodox Christian Monastcism, visit our special Monastic Matters page, and contact Fr Steven...
We are again supporting the Woven Oaks Initiative here in Norwood for 2018. Erin Lockridge addressed the parish recently during the post-Liturgy talk, and shared some of this year's programming with us. One of their dynamic programs is called 'Norwood Grows':
Norwood Grows hosts nearly 130 young people in programs like Garden Camp, Cooking Camp, Explorers Camp, and Girls’ Safe Space. These programs seek to educate, inspire, and empower the children and teens of Norwood, Ohio, using garden, culinary, art, and nature-based curriculum. Norwood Grows programs teach practical skills that can be applied in the life of our community and beyond. They encourage a sense of wonder and deep respect for the natural world and the way it sustains us; and they promote healthy relationships - with plants, animals, our bodies, our peers, and our community.
Learn more and get connected at Norwood Grows and
Saturdays at 4:30pm, in the Parish Library, followed by Great Vespers at 6:00pm. We are reading Fr. Thomas Hopko's Orthodox Faith series.
* NOTE! - Schedule subject to change! Watch for updates on our schedule and reading assignments. All are welcome. Makes a great 'refresher course' for all Orthodox faithful as well! Contact Fr Steven if you are interested, and to make sure you receive updates by email...
- Explore our Nativity Resource Section for articles and suggested books on the Nativity of Christ.
- Learn about Fasting in the Orthodox Tradition.
- Pick up our full Nativity Season calendar in church.
From Fr. Steven:
"On Monday evening, October 22, we will begin our annual Fall Adult Education Class. And, as in the past, this class will be comprised of six sessions, thus ending on Monday, November 26. I am very much looking forward to this year's class because we will be reading a contemporary Orthodox classic, For the Life of the World, by the late Fr. Alexander Schmemann... There is no doubt that this book has had an enormous impact on countless Orthodox — and for that matter, non-Orthodox — Christians since its initial publication."
So, plan on joining us for our study of a truly landmark book, which has had such a defining impact on Orthodox Christian life, worship and practice in America. Visit our special 2018 Fall Adult Education Page for further info, links to order the book, plus links for our secondary text, Of What Life Do We Speak?, by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. We will also post our study notes on this page as we work our way through Fr. Schmemann's text.
Please order online by Sunday, November 18!
Orders will be ready for pick-up at church Sunday, December 2.
The St. Katherine Sisterhood is holding our annual sale of delicious, homemade baklava...and this year we're taking orders online!
Not only does this authentic, traditional baklava make a fantastic Christmas gift, but by ordering your baklava here you're also supporting our St. Katherine Sisterhood ministry (which supports the Tapestry Women's Prison Ministry, Lydia's House, and our own parish needs, to name a few!).
Thank you for your order and wishing you a blessed Nativity Fast!
Terry Morgan has provided an inspiring summary of the KAIROS Weekend 20 and the impact it had on the prisoners as they encountered Christ through this unique prison ministry.
Go to our KAIROS Prison Ministry Page for more info, and speak to Terry Morgan after Liturgy, or contact him directly.
Our annual St. Nicholas Giving Tree goes up this Sunday in the Parish hall. This year we will have requests for gifts for the women residents of Lydia's House and their children.
Please take a tag from the tree and bring the requested gift with the tag attached to church on Sunday December 9th. Gift receipts should be taped to the items. Gifts can be put in gift bags but please do not wrap the gifts. Gift cards should be handed directly to me. :-)
If you will not be at church on December 9th, please bring your gift to church prior to December 9th.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of these families in need of our help If you have questions about the requested gifts, please email Laura Menze at laura at stlydiashouse dot org.
In Christ ~ Terrie
Dear Parish Faithful and Friends in Christ,
The Church School year of 2018-2019 will begin on Sunday, September 16. This year we will be studying selected New Testament books, the Feasts and the Sacraments. New parishioners with children ages 3-18 years of age should contact me to register for classes. In addition to our weekly classes there will be several service projects and a Saint Nicholas program on Dec 9th, 2018.
We are also relaunching our Youth Group this Autumn. Teens 6th-12th grade are invited to the home of Presvytera Deborah and Fr. Steven on September 23 from 3:45 - 6:00 p.m. for discussion followed by pizza. Your teen will not want to miss it! More info here.
Usual meeting time, Saturdays, at 4:30pm
A class for inquirers and catechumens is meeting most Saturdays in the Education Center beginning at 4:30 p.m. Anyone in the parish is more than welcome to join us for this class. Contact Fr. Steven if you are interested, and to make sure you receive email updates on class meetings...
Our Parish Church School is off to a solid start for the 2018-2019 year, with regular attendance averaging around 50.
This year we are studying selected New Testament books, the Feasts and the Sacraments. In addition to our weekly classes there will be several service projects and a Saint Nicholas program on Dec 9th, 2018.
New members? Late to register? No worries! Contact Fr. Steven, and we look forward to seeing you on Sundays!
Third Day of the Nativity (Protomartyr Stephen)
Tue. Jan 1, 9:30am, Divine Liturgy
As always, our children did not let us down, but rather entertained one and all with an excellent Orthodox rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas. We would like thank all of our organizers & directors of the program; and all of those responsible for the fine charity dinner to follow. We collected almost $700 for the charity dinner which will be distributed to a local charity (or charities) in the near future. The day was made all the more merrier with a visit from St. Nicholas himself. - Fr Steven
Proceed to our Photo Gallery to see pctures and video from this year's St Nicholas Pageant...
Visit our online Pledge Form here, and submit your pledge in under two minutes!
November 11 was our target date for having all our pledges submitted for 2019.
If you haven't yet completed your pledge, thank you for doing so as quckly as possble. The Parish Council is finalizing plans for next calendar year and this information is critical to their efforts.
Greetings Parents & Guardians of Teens,
Kris Gansle and I are excited to be the new Youth Group leaders for 2018-2019! The ministry is for all 6th-12th grade youth at CTSHS and is inclusive to both pan-orthodox and non-orthodox friends. We’ll provide opportunities for our youth to deepen their faith, fellowship, and stewardship through discussion, service, and outings each month.
Here’s what to expect this year:
You should have received already a tentative schedule for the year. A detailed schedule will be sent out shortly after our first meeting. An email or a Remind Text of upcoming events will be sent to parents in advance. Please confirm your teen’s attendance. Details on how to sign up for Remind Text will be announced at the first meeting.
Discussion & Material:
All meetings will take place on Sundays throughout the year from 4 to 6pm at both formal and informal locations such as a volunteer’s home, a restaurant, or a coffee shop. We’d like the meetings to take place as close to the parish as possible to accommodate everyone. Four meetings are planned for the year. Our main emphasis at the meetings is to provide our teens with a platform to share their thoughts and struggles with their peers in living out the Gospel in today’s world.
Discussion material will be rotated between two different sources. The first source is from the book Growing Faithful Families by Rebecca Myerly, currently implemented at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, MN. It’s designed around the church calendar with the themes of Hear, Share, Grow, Serve, & Pray. This is not a bible study, but a guided reflection on scripture. The other source is FaithTree Resources, a teaching ministry at St. Michael Antiochian Church in Van Nuys, CA and encourages discussion on current issues our teens are facing.
Three projects will be planned for the year, including the annual St. Nicholas Fundraiser. The teens will decide who they would like to serve at the first meeting.
Outings :
Four outings will be planned for the year. The teens will decide what they would like to do at the first meeting. The location and date of our End of School Year BBQ will be announced soon.
A survey will be sent shortly after the first meeting to determine the best time for everyone to participate in serving and outing opportunities. If you would like to arrange carpool with other parents, host a meeting, or chaperone a serving or outing opportunity, a sign up handout will be given at the first meeting. Your participation is essential to the success of a vibrant Youth Group ministry. Please make every effort to ensure your teen attends as many gatherings as possible in order to get the most out of Youth Group.
It is our pleasure to serve the future of our faith. With the blessing of Fr. Steven,
Kris Gansle and Jennifer Haynes
Youth Group Ministry
email: imamom2xs at gmail dot com