'By the Sea of Tiberias'
a Scriptural Study of the Resurrection of Christ...
• The Gospel according to St John, Chapter 21
• Wed. April 25, 7:30pm
• View, download & print Fr Steven's Discussion Outline
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
On Wednesday evening, April 25, we will have a Bible Study session on John 21. Last summer, we studied JN. 13-21, but we were unable to cover chapter 21.
So, as that chapter covers events of Christ's Resurrection, it should prove to be more than a little timely to discuss that marvelous chapter, and thus closing our study and discussion of St. John's Gospel from last summer. A good way to keep alive the paschal spirit of this unique season in the Church...
- Fr. Steven
APRIL 23 UPDATE - I have attached a simple outline. Please feel free to use the open spaces for any questions, comments or concerns that you may want to bring to the study.
'After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias...' (JN 21:1) |
Dear Parish Faithful,