For many years youth from Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit have been going to summer camp programs at Antiochian Village in Pennsylvania. This unique campground, conference and retreat center is a thriving ministry of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Our children and teens from grades 3 through 12 have made lifelong friends at camp, and bring back with them an energetic commitment to their faith, which infuses their lives at home and at school with the heart of the Gospel.
f you've been curious what the AV camp experience is all about, now's your chance to find out!
From the Antiochian Village Website:
The mission of the Antiochian Village is to present to young people a living experience of the Holy Orthodox Faith, in their relationship with God and other campers in an uncluttered, natural environment.
To accomplish this we will seek to bring young people to:
Awareness of self and fellow man
A broadening of their Orthodox life
A greater awareness of their religion
Good sportsmanship
Growth in personal relationships and personal responsibility
An appreciation of nature and a concern for the environment.
More info on Antiochian Village:
Village Videos - Catch a glimpse of life at the Village!