Join us Tuesday evening, September 1 at 7:00pm,
as we usher in the Church New Year
by chanting the beautiful and beloved hymn,
Akathist, 'Glory to God for All Things'.
Fr. Steven notes:
This special service was composed "by the Archpriest Grigory Petrov (†1942), while he was a prisoner in a Soviet labor camp. There are allusions to life in the camp within the hymn. The possibility of such a magnificent glorification of God emerging from terrible suffering attests to the resilience and perseverance of a person who entrusts his life to Christ and the power of Christian hope recognizing that God is the ultimate reality and Lord of the living and the dead..."
To prepare our hearts to enter into the spirit of this holy service, let us (re)read Fr. Steven's meditations on the Akathist:
'Begin the New Year with Thanksgiving'
'To Begin That Interior Renewal'
'Glory To You, For Every Step Of My Life'
AKATHIST, 'GLORY TO GOD FOR ALL THINGS' — To start the Church New Year, we will again chant the beautiful and lofty Akathist, 'Glory to God for All Things'. This has become something of a tradition for the parish, and we hope you can join us! Tuesday, September 1, at 7:00pm. Learn more here.

2015 Tenderness Icon Workshop September 14-19
The icon that should be in every home. Student chooses one of above Tenderness icons. Must transfer drawing and do clay work and gilding before the workshop. All painting is done under the instruction of Dmitri Andreyev during the workshop. $475.00 includes pigments and tuition. Student uses own brushes, gold leaf and various other tools.
Workshop to be held at Iconic, 7017 Miami Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 Gesso Board size: 11” x 14”, can be ordered from
No deposit. Preliminary class work is necessary. Drawing will be mailed to you when you register. Optional open studio times at Iconic for assistance with the drawing transfer, clay work and gilding Saturdays, 8/22, 8/29 and 9/5 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Good news for anyone out-of-town who might be considering a trip here for the September workshop! The Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center (OLHSC) has made rooms available to students of the workshop at $25.00/night. Unfortunately, though, these rooms are only available the first 5 nights. Students would need to check out of their rooms on Friday before attending the workshop, and make other arrangements for Friday night, September 18.
I am attaching the workshop registration form along with a housing form which gives details about the retreat center. It is about a 20 minute drive North on I-71 from OLHSC in Norwood to the workshop location in Madeira.
And take note - student must order the board and do preliminary gold work on this beautiful Tenderness icon so sign up soon - September is around the corner!
Tenderness Icon Workshop Flier and Registration Form
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center Housing Form
NATIVITY OF THE THEOTOKOS (Sept 8) - Plan to join us for the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the first Great Feast of the new Church Year. This sacred festival commemorates the first step in preparing mankind for its promised salvation.
Tuesday, September 8, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, September 9, 7:00am - Akathist to the 'Ancestors of God', Joachim & Anna
As the hymn for the feast proclaims: "Your Nativity, O Virgin, Has proclaimed joy to the whole universe! The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, Has shone from You, O Theotokos!"
Visit our Festal Resource Page for schedule, special articles, suggested books and more.
CHURCH NEW YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 1 - (Aug 30) Special page with announcements of the start of Church School, services for the first Great Feast of the Church Year, the Nativity of the Theotokos, and more events in the life of the parish. Be sure also to read Fr Steven's meditation for the Church New Year, with helpful guidance on developing a Rule of Prayer, and on Preparing to Receive Holy Communion in a Worthy Manner.
Dear Parish Faithful,
Forty-five Years of Autocephaly: Special Parish Discussion Event
Monday, September 21, 7:00PM
As announced a few weeks back, we will have a special session to discuss the autocephalous status of the Orthodox Church in America which is celebrating the forty-fifth year of that autocephaly this year (1970-2015).
In preparation for our discussion, I have attached Fr. Alexander Schmemann's powerful, yet controversial, essay "A Meaningful Storm." There is both a PDF version and a word doc. It needs a very careful reading - if not re-reading - so hopefully this will give all those interested in this discussion enough time for that, since our discussion will take place on Monday evening, September 21.
In addition, we will read through the Tomos of Autocephaly (the official document granting the autocephaly from the Moscow Patriarchate). The link to the Tomos is provided here for your convenience.
'A Meaningful Storm', by Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann

Dear Parish Faithful,
The Church New Year will begin on Tuesday, September 1. New beginnings always hold out the possibility of renewal. As members of the Church - the Body of Christ - we thus have the opportunity to re-commit ourselves to the life "in Christ" as presented in the Gospels and in the life of the Church. The goal is the "salvation of our souls." (I PET. 1:9).
At the beginning of the Church New Year, I try to send out a couple of practical reminders about some of the most basic components of our corporate and personal lives as Orthodox Christians. Therefore, I have attached an outline I wrote on maintaining the discipline of a Rule of Prayer; and a summary of Preparation for Receiving Holy Communion.
As familiar as you may be with these essential practices, you may still want to look at these summaries by way of reminder and, if necessary, renewal. Getting "back to the basics" - or the ABCs of Church life - may be just what is needed to pursue "the one thing needful."
Fr. Steven
(All services and meetings posted on our parish calendar; syncs with smartphones automatically.)
Youth Group Meeting
Our Parish Youth Group will meet at the home of Victor and Anya Gerasimchuk from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Sunday evening, August 30.
Next Week's Services and Events
Monday, August 31 - Post-Chrismation Discussion at 7:00 p.m. This discussion is intended for everyone who has been chrismated and/or baptized within the last five years.
Tuesday, September 1 - Akathist Hymn "Glory to God for All Things" at 7:00 p.m. For the beginning of the Church Year.
Wednesday, September 2 - Vespers at 7:00 p.m. and Memorial Service to follow.
No Saturday Vespers Labor Day Weekend
I will be out-of-town for the Labor Day weekend. There will not be a Great Vespers service on Saturday evening, September 5, but the Liturgy as usual will be served on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. Fr. Paul Albert will be here to serve in my place.
Nativity of the Theotokos (Sept. 8)
We will celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos on Tuesday morning, September 8, at 9:30 a.m.
Explore our Festal Resource Page to immerse yourself in the Feast!
Exaltation of the Precious and Lifegiving Cross (Sept. 14)
Sunday, September 13, 6:00 p.m. - Great Vespers & Procession with the Cross
Monday, September 14, 9:30 a.m. - Divine Liturgy
Beginning of Church School Year 2015-2016
Sunday, September 20, following Divine Liturgy.
A reminder that during the Church School Year our students and teachers receive Holy Communion first, and then proceed to the Education Center to begin their classes. We will resume our practice of having our Post-Liturgy Discussions following Liturgy and the Veneration of the Cross. We ask all adults to remain in the church during the Post-Liturgy Discussion so as not to present any distractions to our church school students.
Special Parish Discussion Event: The 45th Anniversary of the Autocephaly of the OCA
Monday, September 21, 7:00 p.m. - Full info here on this special gathering, including the landmark article by Fr. Alexander Schmemann, 'A Meaningful Storm'.
SPECIAL PARISH DISCUSSION EVENT - (Aug 24) From Fr Steven: "On Monday evening, September 21, we will have a special session to discuss the autocephalous status of the Orthodox Church in America which is celebrating the forty-fifth year of that autocephaly this year (1970-2015). In preparation for our discussion, I have attached Fr. Alexander Schmemann's powerful, yet controversial, essay 'A Meaningful Storm'." Full info with all attachments and links here.
ST SILOUAN THE ATHONITE (Sept 24) - Elder Silouan was a simple, unlearned monk who nevertheless grew in deep holiness by ceaseless prayer and repentance. Two of his unique words for us today are "Our brother is our life," and "Keep thy mind in hell, and despair not."
Join us for as we chant the Akathist to St Silouan on Thursday morning, Sept. 24 at 7:00am, and learn more about his life and teachings on our Great Saints page...

LEARNING ABOUT PLANNED GIVING - For everyone who is interested in learning more about Planned Giving, we have scheduled an Information Session on Thursday, October 1, from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the parish Education Center.
Aaron Kaplan, an estate-planning attorney at the law firm Taft, Stettinus & Hollister is the featured speaker. Mr. Kaplan will provide an overview of a few of the most utilized planned giving "tools" (such as Life Insurance or a Charitable Trust). The agenda included a Q & A period to respond to questions from those in attendance. We hope to see you at what should be an interesting and informative presentation. —Steve Korach, Stewardship Committee member
Remember in your prayers the Kairos Prison Ministry Team at Chillicothe Correctional Institute this weekend, October 22-25. Fellow parishioner Wayne Krueger is on the inside team, and we trust the Lord to touch the lives of many men through this ministry.
Visit our Kairos Prison Ministry page to learn more...
Our dear friend and former parishioner Mother Paula (Vicki Bellas in the world) from the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Elwood City, PA, will visit our parish on the weekend of October 24-25. She will give a talk to the parish on Saturday evening following Great Vespers on the Life of Mother Alexandra, foundress of the Monastery of the Transfiguration, and then a talk on 'Remaining Christ-Centered' at the post-Liturgy discussion on Sunday. More info here...
Download and print our flier here.
Learn more about Orthodox Christian monasticism, the Monastery of the Transfiguration, and read a special reflection by Fr Steven on Mother Paula's tonsure — all on our special section Monastic Matters.
Dear Parish Faithful,
Prayer Vigil
The Kairos Prison Ministry weekend at Warren C I is coming up November 5-8, and we would welcome your prayer support. For those comfortable with the computer, you can go to
and select the time(s) you are willing to pray, then fill in the blanks. You should get an e-mail reminder of the time you chose.
For those who are a little more "traditional," there is a paper prayer vigil on the table in the hall on which you can sign up for prayer time(s).
The men inside the walls are always very powerfully impacted to realize that hundreds of people in the outside world are praying for them - people they have never met.
Cookie Baking
If any of our parish family would like to provide cookies for the Kairos weekend, you can bring them to the church hall next Sunday, November 1. I know this is short notice, and if you prefer, you can bring them November 8, and we can use them for the Instructional Day the following Saturday.
Cookies must be home baked and packed 2 dozen in a gallon plastic freezer bag.
Thank you for your support.
Terry Morgan
KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY FALL WEEKENDS - Pray for our prison ministry volunteers! Wayne Krueger will be on the Kairos inside team at Chillicothe Correctional the weekend of Oct. 22-25, and Terry Morgan at Warren CI November 5-8. We have prayer vigil signup forms at church, or pray as led throughout these weekend. Learn more on our Kairos Ministry page.
(Nov. 21) Here we encounter the holiness of Mary, a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God, something that all of us are called to be.
Join us for Great Vespers & Litya on Friday, Nov. 20 at 7:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 9:30am. Be sure to explore our special Festal Resource Page for the Feast!
For the upcoming Fall Adult Education Class (six sessions from Monday, October 19 - Monday, November 23) we will be studying the book, Eastern Orthodox Theology - A Contemporary Reader.
This book is a collection of essays from some of the most prominent Orthodox thinkers and theologians of the 20th c., whose unique contributions shaped the over-all theological, ecclesiological and liturgical vision of the OCA. We will be examining essays by Frs. Florovsky, Meyendorff and Schmemann, and also from V. Lossky and possibly others.
Full info and link to order the book on our Adult Education page.
(Nov. 21) Here we encounter the holiness of Mary, a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God, something that all of us are called to be.
This is a deeply mystical feast, which monastics take as a type of their vocation, and as an icon of hesychia, mystical prayer, and theosis. If we imbibe even a little of the lessons this feast offers, we might just find that it can transform our lives.
Join us for Great Vespers & Litya on Friday, Nov. 20 at 7:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 9:30am. Be sure to explore our special Festal Resource Page for the Feast!

Dear CTS faithful & Friends,
Our annual Nativity Giving Tree will be up in the parish hall from Sunday, November 15th. We will be collecting gifts for The Dragonfly Foundation again this year. The Dragonfly foundation provides aid and comfort for children at Cincinnati Children's Hospital who are suffering with cancer and other blood diseases.
Our goal is to have the gifts collected on Sunday, December 6th in conjunction with our St. Nicholas celebration. If you will not be at church on December 6th, please have your donation brought to church before December 6th.
Donations should NOT be gift wrapped.
In Christ,
Terrie Sauer
Dear Parish Faithful,
Christmas Cards Now Available !
These are the beautiful, finished products, attractively packaged, with envelopes, which were designed and created by our Church School students on November 7.
$10 donation to the St. Katherine's Sisterhood per package of 6.
As they say in retail: "Quantities Limited!" Available in the Church Hall before or after services!
Proceeds help support the charitable work of the St Katherine's Sisterhood.
Photos of the cards and our November 7 creative team:
MOTHER PAULA'S VISIT - (Oct 24-25) It was a great blessing to welcome Mother Paula (former parishioner Vicki Bellas) to the parish over the October 24-25 weekend.
After Great Vespers on Saturday the 24th, Mother Paula gave an insightful and inspiring presentation on the life, struggles and witness of Mother Alexandra, foundress of the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration. On Sunday, October 25, during the post-Liturgy Talk, she presented a concise talk on 'Remaining Christ-Centered'. We recorded the second talk, and have posted it on our Photo Gallery page, together with a summary outline of Mother Paula's main points.
December 13 is the date the Church commemorates the repose of St. Herman, Elder and Wonderworker of Alaska, the first to be glorified in North America.
Our Special Resource Section hosts extensive materials on this humble and beloved monk, who became "Apa" — "Grandfather — to the Alaskan natives, whom he shepherded and protected, even after the rest of his co-missionary monks had ben martyred (St Juvenaly), died, or returned to Russia. Elder Herman came to be filled with divine grace, and shone with the uncreated light, working miracles before and after his death. Video, audio, icons, artcles, suggested books, and much, much more in our extensive section.
Join us in commemorating St Herman:
- Vespers on Saturday evening, December 12, at 6:00pm, which will include the unique Stikhera hymns during "Lord I Call", the Apostikha hymn, and his Troparion.
- Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, December 13, at 9:30am, preceded by the Hours at 9:10.
- Akathist to St Herman on Monday morning, December 14, at 7:00am.
Thursday, Dec 24, 7:00pm
Fri. Dec 25, 9:30am, Divine Liturgy
Third Day of the Nativity (Protomartyr Stephen)
Nativity Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon
Nativity Message of His Grace, Bishop Paul
Nativity Season Meditations from Father Steven
St Herman of Alaska (Dec 13) Resources
St Nicholas Day Celebration: Photos & Video
The Fast of the Nativity of the Lord begins on November 15, and our special resource section provides articles, suggested books, lives of saints and much more to illumine this holy season.
Included also is a special selection of Orthodox Christmas Gifts, with direct links to several different online stores for easy ordering. Featuring greeting cards, music, jewelry, icons, crosses, ornaments, children's books, toys, decorations, calendars, and much more.
Nativity Season Special Links:
Nativity Season Meditations from Father Steven
Exploring the Nativity Narratives
St Herman of Alaska (Dec 13) Resources
St Nicholas Day Celebration: Photos & Video
ST NICHOLAS DAY CELEBRATION - VIDEOS ADDED DEC 12! - Photos, video and update now available from our Church School's annual pageant and charity dinner. One of our most successful ever, the dinner raised $750 for charity! Visit our Photo Gallery...
Our special resource section for the Nativity of of the Lord provides a wealth of materials from the beginning of the Nativity Fast (Nov. 15) up through the Great Feast of Theophany (Jan. 6). Includes articles, books, icons, lives of saints, and more, including...
Orthodox Christmas Gifts - Featuring greeting cards, music, jewelry, icons, crosses, ornaments, children's books, toys, decorations, calendars, and much more. With direct links to several online stores for convenient shopping.
ST HERMAN OF ALASKA (Dec 13) - Join us Dec 12, 13 and 14 as we commemorate the beloved Elder and Wonderworker Herman of Alaska.
This year his winter feast falls on a Sunday, so we will hear the special Stikhera and Troparia at Saturday Vespers, and his Troparion and Kontakion at Sunday Liturgy. We will also celebrate the beautiful Akathist to St Herman on Monday morning, December 14, at 7:00am.
Full schedule and extensive resources, including video, audio, icons, books, articles, and much more on our Special Resource Page.
Custom designed by our Church School students, and professionally reproduced, these creative and beautiful Nativity Cards are available to purchase in the Church Hall before or after sevices. While supplies last! Only $10 per package of 6. Proceeds benefit our St. Katherine's Sisterhood.
See card samples, plus photos of our delightful Card Creation Event from November 7, here.
St. Catherine Sisterhood is selling 60 piece trays of delicious BAKLAVA. A limited number of trays will be offered. If 60 pieces are too much for your family, combine your order with a friend.
Please place your order on line at: sleara at, by December 1st, 2015. The price for the entire tray of 60 pieces, is $120. Orders cannot be accepted after December 1st. Orders will be ready for pick up on December 13, 2015.
(Now thru Dec 6) Our annual Nativity Giving Tree is set up in the Church Hall. We will be collecting gifts for The Dragonfly Foundation again this year. This is a worthy charity which provides aid and comfort to children with cancer and blood diseases. Please bring your gifts and donations by Sunday, December 6. Full info here.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Cincinnati! We will again be organizing a caroling group this year to bring holiday cheer to shut-ins and other members of our parish. Lyric guides will be provided and everyone is welcome. Whether you sing in the choir or from the pews, we hope you can join us!
Please email Mia Lastra (Mia.N.Lastra at if you would like to participate and to receive more details. The dates we are considering are Saturday 12/12, Sunday 12/13 or Sunday 12/20, with the final date and time to be determined once we see what works best for the caroling group and parishioners we will visit.