Dear Parish Faithful,
For the next Great Feast in our liturgical cycle - The Theophany of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ (January 6) - the schedule is now as follows:
Saturday, January 5
- First & Third Royal Hours at 9:00 a.m.
- Great Vespers at 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 6
- Hours at 9:10 a.m.
- Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.
- Great Blessing of Water to follow
This year, trying something different, the plan is to bless the water outside in the front of the church - weather permitting.
We will process out of the church (through the front door) following the Liturgy and take up our places as we do at Pascha. In other words I will stand near the front door where the table(s) with bowls of water will be set up in preparation for their blessing in the Service of the Great Blessing of the Waters. After the waters are blessed, we will re-enter the church, bless the interior nave, and then everyone will be able to take some holy water home in the containers that you bring with you for that purpose.
As of now, it seems as if the weather will cooperate. But everyone will definitely need a coat!
- Fr. Steven
* Be sure to visit our Theophany Resource Page...
SUN. FEB 10, 7:00pm
Register Online - Full info on the Midwest Diocese
“Making Friends, Loving Enemies: Helping Kids Navigate an Unorthodox World” will be the topic of an interactive live stream video meeting with His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago and the Midwest at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 10, 2019.
The live stream will be hosted by the Midwest Diocese Centre for Family Life. It offers an exciting opportunity for parents, grandparents, godparents, teachers and others to pose their questions “live” to Bishop Paul. Videos of previous live streamed meetings, in which Bishop Paul address such topics as “Teen Realities: Relationships,” “Who Teaches Our Children” and “Orthodox Living For Busy Families,” are available for viewing online.
To register for the event, subscribe to the Midwest Family website online. An email with connection information will be sent prior to the event.
Our online signup form is ready, with dozens of slots from January 12 through the end of February to select from to have Father Steven come and bless your home for 2019.
If you are able to have your home blessed during the day, that could also prove to be very helpful. If you wish, use the optional comment feature to indicate your preferred time within your selected slot.
As a courtesy, please make your selection by Saturday, February 9. This will assist Father Steven in his planning and scheduling for the rest of the month.
Since there is so much Scripture prescribed for Great Lent - primarily from the usually unread Old Testament - we will have a one-session discussion before Great Lent begins based onArchbishop Kallistos Ware's wonderful article "How to Read Your Bible," which we now have available in pamphlet form. Very brief, but with Archbishop Kallistos, filled with good insights and practical suggestions. Please plan on joining us!
Our meeting will be Wednesday evening, March 6 (time TBA). Please plan on joining us!
Now located in the far right corner upon entering the church hall, our bookstore is being set up for "business." There are a few outstanding titles for Great Lent available, including two classics: GREAT LENT, by Fr. Alexander Schmemann, and THE LENTEN SPRING, by Fr. Thomas Hopko. Our bookstore manager is Emily Farison.
Be sure also to visit our Great Lent Resource Section, with extensive helps for this holy season, the Journey to Pascha.
And join us for the divine services, as we enter fully into the Pre-Lent period with the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (Feb. 17).
Great Lent begins with the Vespers of Forgiveness on Sunday, March 10, after the Divine Liturgy and fellowship/refreshments.
Since there is so much Scripture prescribed for Great Lent - primarily from the usually unread Old Testament - we will have a one-session discussion before Great Lent begins based onArchbishop Kallistos Ware's wonderful article "How to Read Your Bible," which we now have available in pamphlet form. Very brief, but with Archbishop Kallistos, filled with good insights and practical suggestions. Please plan on joining us!
Our meeting will be Wednesday evening, March 6 (time TBA). Please plan on joining us!
The Sunday of Zacchaeus (February 10 this year) was the first announcement that Great Lent is drawing near. Zacchaeus sets us an example of sincere desire to see Jesus, even if it means being thought foolish by the world. In his recent homily and meditation, Father Steven reminded us that we all need to have that 'Zacchaeus Moment' in our lives.
With the following Sunday, dedicated to the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee (Feb. 17), we are given the dual lesson of imitating the humility of the Publican, while avoiding the pride and self-righteousness of the Pharisee. On this Sunday the Orthodox Church also begins using the Lenten Triodion service book, which will carry us all the way through the end of Holy Week.
Each of the Pre-Lenten Sundays have their own unique Scripture passages and their own themes, designed to prepare us, step by step, for the inner work of repentance at the core of the Lenten effort. The Church also prepares us for the ascetical effort of fasting during these preparatory weeks.
Learn more and explore the many resources in our Pre-Lent and Great Lent sections. We also have many excellent titles in our Parish Bookstore, open Sundays during coffee hour. We invite you to "Come and see" by joining us for the beautiful and powerful services of Great Lent, the Journey to Pascha.
Dear Church School families,
The Church School, again, will be packing Sack Lunches for the Homeless through the Broken Bus Ministry. The packed lunches will be delivered on the Sunday of Orthodoxy ( March 17, 2019) following the Liturgy.
The bags will be packed by the children following the Icon Procession that Sunday. Please check the list below for your students requested donation. Donations will be collected for 6 Sundays (January 27 through March 3, 2019) and donation boxes will be in all the church school classrooms. The items that are going into the bagged lunches have changed this year at the request of the Broken Bus Ministry contact. We have less items on the list and if we receive enough donations we may bag 2 of the items, such as the fruit, water and the chips or pretzels.
- Pr-K — Single Serving Nuts (any are acceptable)
- K-1st — Single Serving Nuts or individually bagged chips or pretzels
- 2-3rd — Indiviually bagged chips or pretzels or small bottles of water
- 4th-6th — Fruit cups (any fruit is fine, mixed fruit is acceptable as well)
- 7th-8th — Fruite cups (any fruit type is fine and mixed fruit is acceptable)
- High School — Small bottles of water.
Our goal is to pack 150 non perishable lunches to be distributed by The Broken Bus ministry serving the homeless of Butler, Warren and Hamilton counties. The packed lunches will be delivered to the Broken Bus Ministry on Sunday March 17, 2019.
Thank you as always for your generosity.
In Christ,
Marilyn Davenport
Red Balloon Play Date (6200 Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge) for our younger children and their families is scheduled for Saturday morning, February 23. Please contact Nika Boyd to RSVP so that she knows the numbers attending.
Our monastery pilgrimage to the Dormition Monastery is scheduled for April 5-7. The monastery can accommodate 6 guests. We currently have 3 signed up. Please contact Presv. Deborah asap to RSVP.
Dear Fr. Steven and all,
On December 15 we had only 10 people that came to the food pantry, maybe because of the rain, maybe some did not know about the date change. We left some bags prepared in case someone asks for assistance in the next couple of weeks. First and foremost, we are most grateful for the generosity of our parish who donated so many items for our food pantry. We had plenty to provide to all the people who stopped by today and looks like we are in good shape for next month as well.
We need just a few items:
- paper towels
- personal care items (deodorants, razors, toothpaste, soap)
- laundry detergent
Thank you again to everyone who donated and our wonderful volunteers, and wish everyone a blessed holidays season.
Please visit our Food Pantry Ministry page for more info on this ministry...
Greetings to Everyone,
We will be collecting items needed for Lydia’s House over the next few weeks - please see the list below. Blue bin will be in the hall to receive your donations. God bless you for your support.
Current Needs:
-Tampons or Pads
-Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
-Lotion & Deodorant
-Toilet Paper
-Shaving Cream/Razors
-Plastic Utensils
-Laundry Detergent/Fabric Softener (no scent)
-Dish Soap/dish detergent
-Winter Clothes (women and children)
In Christ,
Presv. Deborah
Once again, we are pleased to announce some new additions to our already extensive Great Lent Resource Section, which over years has grown to be perhaps the most highly visited area of our parish website. With suggested books for Lent, numerous articles, audio, and video, there are plenty of materials to choose from as we again make this holy journey to the Lord's Passion Week, and His Resurrection from the Tomb.
Of course, reading is very helpful, but it can only take us so far. That is why we invite you to "Come and see," to join us for the "bright sorrow" of the Lenten services, and make the journey with us all the way through Holy Week and on to Pascha.
The last two weeks of Lent have some of the richest services of the Church Year, including the Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday evenings, The Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete (Thursday of the Fifth Week, 4/11) with the reading of the Life of St Mary of Egypt, and the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos on Friday.
Great Lent concludes on Friday, April 19, with the Vespers of Lazarus Saturday, as we enter into the Festal Interlude of the Raising of Lazarus and the Entry Into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), before beginning the Holy Week services with the forst Bridegroom Matins on Palm Sunday evening, April 21, at 7pm.
Full schedule here, or download our Great Lent and Holy Week Schedule (also available in church).
There is perhaps no better introduction to the spiritual life and the transformative holiness of the Orthodox Church than through this sacred annual journey, which we all take together. If you have any questions about Great Lent and the Orthodox Church, please contact Fr Steven, or speak with any of us after any of the divine services.
We hope to see you soon!
- Fri. Apr 19, 7:00pm - Vespers for Lazarus Saturday
- Sat. Apr 20, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday
+ + +
- Sat. Apr 20, 6:00pm - Vigil for Palm Sunday
- Sun. Apr 21, 9:10am - Hours and Divine Liturgy, Palm Sunday
- Explore our Festal Resources for the Raising of Lazarus and the Entry into Jerusalem
- Explore our Holy Week Resources
- Full Schedule of Services, plus many in depth articles
- Learn about the Bridegroom Matins of the first days of Holy Week
- Order service booklets from SVS Press
PASCHA TO PENTECOST - The Paschal Season lasts for Forty Days (Fifty, counting Pentecost), and is rich with spiritual insights and fruits. The Sundays of Pascha and the feasts of Mid-Pentecost, Ascension, and Pentecost introduce us to our calling to receive and live in the Holy Spirit, whom Christ sends to us from the Father.
- From Pascha to Ascension we do not offer the prayer to the Holy Spirit, but instead begin our prayers by chanting thrice the Paschal Troparion: 'Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.'
- Explore our Pascha to Pentecost Resource Section, which includes special sections on Bright Week, the Sundays of Pascha, and the Feasts of Mid-Pentecost, Ascension, & Pentecost.
"Come and See!" — There is no better time to encounter the Holy Orthodox Church than during the Great Week of the Lord's Saving Passion and the Renewal of the Cosmos through His Resurrection from the dead. We hope you'll join us as we continue our journey with the Risen Lord...
Dear Parishioners & Friends,
In recognition of Father Steven’s and Presvytera Deborah’s 30 years at Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit, the parish is hosting a celebration during coffee hour after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, June 30, 2019.
Father Steven’s official start date was July 1, 1989.
Join us as we again present our Summer Workshops series in June. This occasional (biennial?) offering of fun and informative classes, crafts, and sports is always well attended, and provides something for everyone, and for all ages, with a special opportunity for re-creation and fellowship.
All workshops are suitable for beginners to intermediate level.
This year's workshops include Chess, Painting with Watercolors, Cross-Stitch, Folk Dancing, Table Tennis, and Photography, all led by parishioners with pretty strong credentials. Held in our comfortable and spacious Parish Hall and Education Center, the format includes three consecutive Monday evenings, with the final session on Sunday, June 23, serving as a time when all our classes present their results in an open time of fellowship for the entire parish.
Full info and online registration available here. Please register by May 26 so our instructors can plan accordingly. We hope to see you there!
Our own Ralph Sidway has the distinction of having his wonderful photos featured in the St. Tikhon's Liturgical Calendar for 2019. These photos are from his monastery visits over the last year or more. Please have a look at them, as we await the liturgical calendar for 2019.
We still have a small supply of calendars available in the church hall following any of the services.
Ralph's monastery photographs of The North American Thebaid will be published also in a handsome photo book later in 2019, also by St. Tikhon's Monastery Press.
Christ the Savior Holy Spirit
Summer Workshops 2019
Please register no later than May 26. (Scroll down for online registration form.)
- Four days across four weeks - Six unique and enjoyable classes.
- Suitable for beginners through intermediate level.
- Dates: Monday, June 3, 10, 17 and Sunday June 23
- Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Workshop Offerings & Instructors:
1) “Chess is Life” Bobby Fisher
Chess, with Steven Korach (ages 10 and up)
One of our favorites, this class engages the mind and provides a real challenge! You'll love the final session as the class members take on our Grandmaster, Steve Korach — all at the same time!
2) "Painting with Watercolors", with noted artist, Anya Gerasimchuk
Join our own "artist in residence," Anya Gerasimchuk, for what promises to be a beautiful and inspiring workshop. Anya's work in watercolor, oils, charcoal drawings, and pastels has been exhibited in Russia, Europe, and America, and we are thrilled she has offered to lead this special class. We hope to be treated to a display of our class members' paintings at the final session!
3) “Never Take Your Eye Off the Ball” or Always Think…The Ball Is Coming Back!
Table Tennis, with Fr. Steven and Paul Kostoff
Another perennial favorite, this energetic class harnesses skill and the competitive spirit for a fun and dynamic building of fellowship and comraderie. The Table Tennis Tourney at our final session is great fun, and a real crowd pleaser!
4) “X Marks the Spot"
Counter Cross Stitch, with Shirley Leara
New this year, join Shirley for what is likely to be our most peaceful and irenic workshop yet. Once you start Cross-Stitch, you are on a path which can never be exhausted, but offers growth in skill and the virtues.
5) “The Timeless Interpretation of Life”
Folk Dancing, with Presvytera Deborah Kostoff
This delightful and energetic class led by Presvytera Deborah is a beloved favorite which we look forward to each time it is offered. Even if you don't join the class, you will want to attend to observe the final session and demonstration of the different dances learned, and share in real joy of life and fellowship through Traditional Folk Dancing.
6) “Pursuing the Light”
Improving your Photography, with Ralph Sidway
For all skill levels, ages approximately 10 and up. No special camera required! Whether you have a DSLR, a compact zoom camera, or just want to make better photos with your smart phone, this class will cover key photography principles and techniques to improve your images. We hope to present a gallery exhibit of our students' finest images at the closing session!
Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm, through early August.
Dear Parish Faithful,
Please note the attached flier announcing this Summer's Parish Bible Study.
The title is: JESUS CHRIST the GREAT HIGH PRIEST - 'The same yesterday, today, and forever'. This is based on the deeply profound Epistle to the Hebrews, which we just read during Great Lent.
Fr. Steven
+ + +
As always, all are welcome! Bring a friend and introduce them to the Orthodox Faith through our in depth study and discussion of the divine scriptures. Class notes and study questions will be posted throughout the Summer, which makes it easy and enjoyable to "keep up," even if you can't make it to every session. We hope you can join us!
Go here for more info . . .
Parish Reading Circle & Fall Adult Class 2019-2020
IT'S A LONG BOOK: START READING THIS SUMMER - I have received multiple requests from different parishioners to revive our Parish Reading Circle and teach The Brothers Karamazov by Fydor Dostoevsky. We will take that reading project on, but not until the Fall.
This will replace the usual theological book for the Fall Adult Education Class. My tentative plan is to meet on a monthly basis for four months - perhaps October-January - allowing sufficient time to keep up with the reading. This is just an opening announcement. More details to follow. However, if you are going to commit, you may want to begin reading earlier - it is a long novel!
- Fr. Steven
Dear Parish Faithful,
Please read His Beatitude's pastoral letter carefully on the Church New Year and the theme of creation. On Tuesday evening, September 3, at 7:00pm, we will have a service, entitled "Vespers for the Environment." I believe - but am not certain - that this service comes from the ecumenical patriarchate. It reflects a very Orthodox appreciation for the world in which we live, and our vocation to be good stewards of this world given to us by God as a gift.
Fr. Steven
Sat. October 5 - FALL RETREAT:
An Orthodox Presentation on the Shroud of Turin
- Beginning 12:00pm, concluding with Vespers at 5:00pm
- Two unique presentations with Q&A:
- Session I: Technical Tour of the Shroud - Fact or Ficton?
- Break for refreshments & open discussion
- Session II: The Shroud and Orthodoxy - Iconography, Litugical Practice & Hymnography
- Full-size Shroud replica, plus additional displays;
- Free and open to the public; $5 suggested donation
- Full Schedule and info, plus online registration here...
Register for our 2019-2020 Church School, now through Sunday, September 8, during Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall. Orientation is Sunday, September 15, with actual classes beginning the following Sunday, September 22. New to the parish? Have questions? Please contact Fr Steven, or see Terri Sauer after Sunday Liturgy.
Thursday Morning Theology Class -
Our class will begin Thursday, September 5, at 10:00 a.m. We will read and discuss Archbishop Kallistos Ware's How Are We Saved? - The Understanding of Salvation in the Orthodox Tradition.
The class will last for about four - five sessions. We have had a good commitment to date. Please feel free to join the group. You do not have to commit to all the sessions. Come when you are able. It is an excellent book and should yield some good discussions.
An Orthodox Presentation on the Shroud of Turin
Saturday, October 5, 2019 • 12:00 Noon to 6:00PM
- Two unique presentations, with Q&A:
- Session I: Technical Tour of the Shroud - Fact or Ficton?
- Break for refreshments & open discussion
- Session II: The Shroud and Orthodoxy - Iconography, Litugical Practice & Hymnography
- Featuring a Life-Size replica of the Shroud of Turin, and other displays
- Free and Open to the Public
- Suggested donation of $5 to help cover refreshments & handouts
- Full info and online registration here.
Join us for a remarkable journey through history, science, iconography, and Church tradition and hymnography, as we probe the path of the Shroud, and seek answers to one of the most compelling enigmas of our age.
Dear CTS Faithful,
The IOCC School Kits campaign is in full swing and will run until September 29, 2019. Our goal is to have each student in our church school donate two kits. The kits should include only the following materials...
* One pair of blunt metal scissors (rounded tip)
* Three 70-count spiral or tape-bound pads of 8” x 10-1/2” ruled paper or pads with 200-210 sheets. Please do not provide loose-leaf or filler paper.
* One 30-centimeter ruler (12”)
* One hand-held pencil sharpener
* Six new pencils with erasers
* One eraser, 2-1/2”
* One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
Please place all of the items needed for one kit in a large zip lock bag (the two gallon size works best) and place the completed kits in the blue bin in the parish hall.
We encourage you to shop and assemble these kits with your children. By putting together an IOCC Schoot Kit, you can give a less fortunate child the tools needed to do well in school and allow our church school families an opportunity to volunteer together in Christ's service. You can learn more about the IOCC School Kits Campaigjn and IOCC in general here.
". . . as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."
In Christ,
Terrie Sauer
Our class will begin Thursday, September 5, at 10:00 a.m. We will read and discuss Archbishop Kallistos Ware's How Are We Saved - The Understanding of Salvation in the Orthodox Tradition.
The class will last for about four - five sessions. We have had a good commitment to date. Please feel free to join the group. You do not have to commit to all the sessions. Come when you are able. It is an excellent book and should yield some good discussions.
Dear Parish Faithful, This explains a bit of the "on the ground" assistance provided by the IOCC in the Bahamas. We will have a basket on Sunday to make our contribution. -- Fr. Steven
IOCC’s team has been in touch with Orthodox parishes in the Bahamas and North and South Carolina to determine their needs and ways to collaborate in response efforts. We have a team in the Bahamas conducting a further needs assessment and our US-based team supported cleanup efforts in the Carolinas and has now moved our Emergency Response Vehicle to Texas and is monitoring developing tropical storms. IOCC is also in conversation with ecumenical and other partners to coordinate responses for maximum effectiveness.
Here’s how you can help those affected:
- Pray for those affected by storms and for IOCC staff supporting people in tremendous need.
- Make a financial gift to IOCC’s Hurricane Dorian Response Fund, which enables us to act quickly and effectively in the Bahamas as needs arise (
- Create clean-up buckets and hygiene kits as there’s always a need. For more information visit
- Stay up to date on our response and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Signup and distribution of Welcome Packets for our 2019-2020 Youth Group began Sunday, August 11, and our first meeting for the 2019-2020 year was Sunday, September 22.
Our beautiful T-shirts are in and being distributed! — See the two T-Shirt designs immediately below...
With monthly meetings alternating between Bible Study and fellowship, and additional family-centered social and service events, our Youth Group offers an enriching experience of Christian formation for our teens and their families.Upcoiming schedule:
Nov. 17, Dec. 22, Jan. 19, Feb. 23, March 22, Apr. 26, May 31
Learn about our Youth Group and how to join here... Photos posted in our Gallery...
We hope to see you soon!
We welcome His Grace, Bishop Paul, who will be making an archpastoral visit to our parish during the weekend of Friday - Sunday, December 13-15.
His Grace will arrive on Friday. On Saturday, after Great Vespers, His Grace will take our questions in a Q & A session. We will meet His Grace at 9:00 a.m. in the narthex of the church. This will be followed by his vesting and the Liturgy will begin around 9:30 a.m. Following the Liturgy, we will have a shared meal together in the Church Hall. His Grace will also meet with the Youth Group of the parish.
As always, we welcome our guests and visitors to join us for this joyous event in the life of the parish.
"Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be;
as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."
~ St Ignatius of Antioch (107 AD)
Sat. Dec 14 - Sun. Dec 15 — Pastoral Visit by His Grace, Bishop Paul
- Sat. December 14:
- 6:00pm - Great Vespers
- followed by Open Q&A with His Grace
- Sun. December 15:
- 9:00am - Greeting of His Grace at the Entrance of the Church
- 9:10am - Third & Sixth Hours, Vesting of His Grace
- 9:30am - Hierarchal Divine Liturgy
- followed by Festal Meal in Honor of His Grace, Bishop Paul
Now through December 8!
Dear CTS faithful,
Our Charity Giving Tree will go up in the parish hall this Sunday, Nov. 17th. The tree will include gift requests for both our Norwood Lydia's House residents and The Dragonfly Foundation which supports children undergoing cancer treatment at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.
Gifts and gift cards should be brought to our parish St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday, Dec 8, 2019. Gifts SHOULD NOT be wrapped.
Thank you for supporting these two very worthy charities.
In Christ ~ Terrie Sauer
For the 2019 Feast of the Nativity, the St Katherine's Sisterhood is launching a new fundraiser, offering a delectible selection of Christmas cookies.
Perfect for gifts, or a treat for your family!
$15.00 per box — a dozen cookies per box. Each box will include an assortment of the following:
Buckeyes • Sugar Cookies • Kourabiedes (Greek Butter Cookies)
Romanian Cornulete Cookies • Molasses Cookies • Walnut Cups
Boxes will be available for pick up on Sunday, December 8, following the St. Nicholas Day Charity Dinner and Pageant. Proceeds help support the parish ministry of St. Katherine’s Sisterhood.
Orders are now being taken by Presvytera Deborah & Shirley Leara.
We welcome His Grace, Bishop Paul, who will be making an archpastoral visit to our parish during the weekend of Friday - Sunday, December 13-15.
His Grace will arrive on Friday. On Saturday, after Great Vespers, His Grace will take our questions in a Q & A session. We will meet His Grace at 9:00 a.m. in the narthex of the church. This will be followed by his vesting and the Liturgy will begin around 9:30 a.m. Following the Liturgy, we will have a shared meal together in the Church Hall. His Grace will also meet with the Youth Group of the parish.
We invite and welcome our guests and visitors to join us for this joyous event in the life of the parish.
The forty-day fast leading up to The Nativity in the Flesh of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ began on Friday, November 15. This incredibly rich and beautiful season is filled with special saints and commemorations, and in the very first week is highlighted by the Great Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple.
Read Fr Steven's meditation:
Forty Shopping (and Fasting) Days Until Christmas
This year the Nativity Fast is doubly special for our parish, as our Bishop Paul will be visiting us the weekend of December 14-15. A pastoral visit by an Orthodox bishop reminds us of the teaching of Hieromartyr Ignatius of Antioch (early 2nd c.), "Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."
The Prefeast of Nativity begins on December 19, and in a manner similar to Holy Week before Pascha, the Church calls the Faithful together for some of the most exalted services of the entire year, combining Old Testament prophecies, hyms, and New Testament Scriptures in expressing the unfathomable mystery of the Son and Word of God becoming Man, born of the Most Pure Virgin Mary for our salvation.
At a glance, here are some of the key highlights of the Nativity Fast:
- Wed. Nov 20, 6:00pm - Vesperal Divine Liturgy, Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (Nov. 21)
- Thu. Nov 28, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy, Thanksgiving Day
- Thu. Dec. 5, 6:00pm - Vesperal Divine Liturgy, St Nicholas the Wonderworker (Dec. 6)
- Sun. Dec 8 - St Nicholas Pageant & Charity Dinner (following the Divine Liturgy)
- Thu. Dec 12, 7:00pm, Great Vespers, St Herman of Alaska (Dec 13)
- Thu. Dec 19, 7:00pm - Nativity Prefeast Vespers, beginning of the Prefeast
Explore our Nativity Resource Section, with extensive articles, suggested books, and other resources for the Season.
Download our 2019 Nativity Trifold in PDF format, also available at church, with our full Nativity Schedule, and a special article by Fr Thomas Hopko.
Sync our parish calendar below (with all services through Theophany) to your phone, tablet and computer, and join us on our mystical Journey to the Cave in Bethlehem, where the Pre-Eternal God is born as a Little Child, of the Ever-Virgin Mary, the Theotokos (Birthgiver of God). We hope to see you soon!
The forty-day Nativity Fast nears its end, and the celebration of the longest Fast-Free period in the Church Year approaches, as we celebrate The Nativity according to the Flesh of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ on December 25, followed by The Circumcision of Christ and St Basil the Great on January 1, and capped by the Great Feast of Theophany and the Blessing of Waters on January 6.
We hope you can join us for this bright and festive season in the life of the Orthodox Church. Our full schedule is posted below on our pop-up calendar, and is also featured on our Home page and Worship Schedule page, together with special events in the life of the parish. Be sure to visit and explore our Nativity and Theophany Pages, for extensive resources on these two Great Feasts of the Lord!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
After multiple requests to revive our Parish Reading Circle and teach The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, we will at long last take on that reading project this Autumn. This will replace our usual Fall Adult Education Class. We will meet on a monthly basis for four months — October through January — allowing sufficient time to keep up with the reading.
- The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Next class TBA.
Full info and link to order the book here. We hope you can join us!
Once again, we look forward to renewing our commitment to supporting our parish and spreading the Orthodox Gospel of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. Learn how your giving supports the parish ministries of Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit on our special 2020 Stewardship page.
As in recent years, we provide an easy and secure Online Pledge Form, which takes less than a minute to complete.
Thank you for your prayerful support of Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit Orthodox Church, the Ancient Faith in contemporary Cincinnati!
Our parish just experienced a wonderful weekend December 14-15 together with His Grace, Bishop Paul. From the Great Vespers on Saturday evening to the majestic hierarchical Liturgy on Sunday, the parish was well-represented and everyone enjoyed listening to and speaking with His Grace. Bishop Paul is always accessible and "down to earth" as the saying goes. He also spent some "quality time" with the Youth Group on Sunday following the Liturgy. A delightful meal concluded Sunday's activities. Though the fish was catered, all the other delicious food was prepared by members of the parish, and there were many parishioners who signed up for setting up and cleaning up afterwards in the Church Hall, all of which is very much appreciated.
One of the high points of Sunday morning was the awarding of a gramota (an ecclesial award) to one of our longtime parishioners, Terry Morgan, for his more than ten years of faithful service in Prison Mnistry.
See our Photo Gallery page for full reporting on both aspects of this blessed weekend in the life of the parish, together with numerous photos.
Midwest Diocese to sponsor Pilgrimage to Alaska August 19-25, 2020
CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — The faithful of the Diocese of Chicago and the Midwest are invited to participate in a unique pilgrimage to Alaska August 19-25, 2020.
“This very special trip is being offered as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Granting of Autocephaly and the Glorification of Saint Herman of Alaska,” explains Priest Herman Kincaid, Rector of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church, Burr Ridge, IL. “Under the guidance of His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West, Chair of the 50th Anniversary Committee for the Orthodox Church in America, each diocese was given the opportunity to select one week in 2020 to plan its pilgrimage to Alaska. This is a unique opportunity for faithful of our diocese to visit the holy sites of Alaska, including Saint Herman’s home on Spruce Island.”
The six day/five night trip is being offered by Culturally Creative Travel for the low price of $2,525.00.
Full info and links available on the OCA Midwest Diocese website.