Dear Parish Faithful,
Prayer Vigil
The Kairos Prison Ministry weekend at Warren C I is coming up November 5-8, and we would welcome your prayer support. For those comfortable with the computer, you can go to
and select the time(s) you are willing to pray, then fill in the blanks. You should get an e-mail reminder of the time you chose.
For those who are a little more "traditional," there is a paper prayer vigil on the table in the hall on which you can sign up for prayer time(s).
The men inside the walls are always very powerfully impacted to realize that hundreds of people in the outside world are praying for them - people they have never met.
Cookie Baking
If any of our parish family would like to provide cookies for the Kairos weekend, you can bring them to the church hall next Sunday, November 1. I know this is short notice, and if you prefer, you can bring them November 8, and we can use them for the Instructional Day the following Saturday.
Cookies must be home baked and packed 2 dozen in a gallon plastic freezer bag.
Thank you for your support.
Terry Morgan
There are two Kairos weekends coming soon, and either one is an opportunity for our Parish men to carry the love of God to lonely men inside the prison walls.
Chillicothe C I will be October 22-25. This is a medium security facility (if that matters to you.) If you feel called to serve there, contact Wayne Krueger at (513)673-4403 or Training is about to start.
Warren C I will be November 5-8. Warren is a "high close" facility, but don't let that scare you off. If you feel called to this prison, contact Terry Morgan at (513)542-7114 or Team building will start in September.
If you suspect the Lord might be calling you to serve, - He probably is!
Terry Morgan
We are coming to another opportunity for our church family to minister to those in prison. Kairos 13 at Warren Correctional Institute will be served on April 30 - May 3, and we would like to ask you to join Andrew Herbst and me in serving. Not by going inside on the team, but by your prayers. If you are willing, please sign up to pray for our team and the residents for one hour (or several if you wish). A Prayer Vigil Sign Up is on the table in the hall, and you can add your name to the time slot you choose. Or, if you are more tech comfortable, go to:
and click the time slot of your choice, then fill in the blanks. Either method works.
Thank you, and God bless your service.
Terry Morgan
Invitation to KAIROS Closing Ceremony
Kairos #12 will be served on May 1-4. On that Sunday afternoon about 4:30 we will hold a closing ceremony inside the prison, and we would like to invite any who wish to “come and see” the results of all the cookies and prayer.
Any adult is welcome, but in order to be on the entry list, you must complete three simple forms. These have to be done about 2 weeks ahead, which means before Pascha. So if you want to come on May 4, call or e-mail Terry Morgan within the two weeks so he can get the forms to you, and then to the authorities in time. 513-542-7114 or
Terry Morgan

Kairos Prison Ministry is preparing for Kairos #12 at Warren CI, which will be May 1-4, 2014.
We want to invite any of our men to be part of that team. If you wish to serve on this team, contact Terry Morgan at or (513)542-7114. In case you aren’t sure you are really suited to this ministry, we invite you to come to one or two of the training evenings – no strings attached, and you get a free, light supper as well.
To learn more about the Kairos Prison Ministry and our ongoing parish commitment, visit our Kairos Archive page.
and announcement of
Kairos Weekend #10, June 6-9
Kairos #10 will be June 6-9, and three of our members are on the inside team - Peter Carter, Andrew Herbst and myself. Terrie Sauer is serving on the outside support team. She is actively encouraging cookie bakers, and is letting our Sunday School children decorate "agape bags." Every team member writes a personal letter to each prisoner on the weekend, then on Saturday the letters are given to each man in a colorful paper bag, which is itself a sign of agape.
Dan Georgescu in now ministering at the Ohio Death Row each Thursday with a team of volunteers. They are preparing to conduct a Kairos weekend there in August.
Terry Morgan
How You Can Help:
Follow this link to sign up for our Prayer Vigil.
And of course, you can 'pray without ceasing' for us too!
How You Can Help:
Saturday, June 1 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Dear CTS faithful,
We will be baking 1000 cookies on Saturday, June 1st from 9:00-5:00 for the upcoming KAIROS prison ministry retreat. WE NEED HELP! No previous baking experience necessary. We need people to fill trays with already prepared cookie dough, bake cookies, put cookies on cooling racks and then place the cool cookies in zip lock bags. Everyone, young and old, can do this! You do not need to commit to the entire day, we will take whatever time you can offer.
Please consider helping us on a June 1st. Whatever time you can spare will be deeply appreciated. If you will be helping around 12:00pm please bring a sack lunch to eat with the other volunteers. Coffee will be provided all day:)
Email Terry Morgan ( if you plan to attend.
In Christ,
Terrie Sauer KAIROS kitchen team member
Terry Morgan KAIROS retreat team member
Learn more about our parish involvement with the Kairos Prison Ministry on our Kairos Archive Page...

Oct 10, 2012
COOKIES for KAIROS! Required delivery date, October 28 Dear CTS families, There will be a KAIROS prison ministry weekend at Warren County Correctional the first weekend of November. We are asking for all CTS families to participate in supporting this ministry by baking cookies for the inmates. Please bring your cookies to church on October 28th. The directions for baking and packaging are in the attachment/link below. Thank you for supporting the KAIROS prison ministry. Please pray for the men on the ministry team and the inmates who will be involved in the retreat. In Christ, Terrie Sauer KAIROS COOKIE INSTRUCTIONS in printable PDF format | ![]() |
Oct 10, 2012
PRAY FOR KAIROS Signup at Church or Online Dear Parish Family, The Kairos Prison Ministry #9 at Warren C I will begin on Thursday, November 1 and run through Sunday, November 4. During that time, we ask our brothers and sisters to pray for the 40 team members and the 30 prisoners. We know that prayer is a powerful ministry, but not all the prisoners know it. So we set up a prayer vigil with someone praying for the men every hour of the weekend. As the men see the vigil chart in the chapel, they begin to realize that we Christians are the real deal! And if God’s people care that much about them, God must REALLY love them. So we invite you to take advantage of this chance to participate in prison ministry by pledging to pray for one hour. You can pray right in your home, before your own icons. If you are willing to share an hour, you will find a prayer vigil sheet on the table near the basement doorway. Or if you prefer a techie method, the prayer vigil is on the internet at: Click the “sign up” button to the left of the time you choose, then fill out the information requested. If you sign up on-line, you will get a reminder e-mail of the date and time. As soon as we have the final list of prisoners, we will get copies to the church hall so you can pray for the men by name. Thank you for your help in this awesome ministry. It truly blesses the prisoners, and it really empowers the volunteers. In Christ, Terry Morgan - Andrew Herbst - Peter Carter ><))))))o> |

Dear Parish Family,
Thank you in advance for your help.
Terry Morgan
If you feel called to serve inside a prison, please contact Terry Morgan at or 513-542-7114. Terry can answer any questions you may have and get you the registration form. And, yes, you can serve at Lebanon Prison if you prefer rather than Warren.
If you would like to serve the prison ministry on the outside, we will also need volunteers for food preparation. Let Terry know if you are willing. Time commitments for this aspect of ministry are very flexible.
Third, we will have a prayer vigil sign-up chart in the church hall later this month. Pick the day and time you will commit to pray for the team and the 30 prisoners God is bringing together.
As always, we will need home baked cookies – lots of them. The weekend uses about 5,000 dozen cookies. The cookies are needed by Sunday, October 28. Full details about cookies will come out by the end of September.
Thanks to each of you for all the service you have given in the past. It makes a real difference in the lives of the prisoners. “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners.” Heb. 13:3
In His Service,
Terry Morgan

The Spring Kairos Prison Ministry weekend for Warren Correctional Institution will be in April, right in the midst of Great Lent. The ministry runs on prayer, and we would like to invite you to be a prayer partner with us. We have an on-line prayer vigil sign-up form at:
Go to the site and seloect an hour during which you will promise to pray for the 30 prisoners and 40 volunteers, enter your name and the area where you live, then submit. You will receive an e-mail reminder of the date and time..
Thank you for your support.
Dan Georgescu and Terry Morgan
The Kairos #7 closing will be on Sunday, April 10 inside the Warren Correctional Institution. Guests need to be on the guest list so security checks can be done. On that Sunday you should be at the prison gate between 4:15 and 4:30 to check in. Corrections officers will escort you to the gym, a ¼ mile walk each way. The closing will be over about 6:30 PM. Guests are kept apart from prisoners for security reasons, but you will be in the gym with them. Yes, these are men who have committed serious crimes. But no, we have never had a guest injured or harmed, or even threatened. In all reality, your risk of injury is probably higher driving up I-75.
If you would like to come to the closing at WCI, and you are at least 20 years old, please e-mail your name to Terry Morgan, within the coming week. You must provide the name as it appears on your driver's license, which will be your ID to enter the prison. You bring nothing into the compound except car key and driver's license – no purses, wallets, cell phones, money, etc. You will go through a metal detector. If you submit your name, you will be sent a detailed explanation with directions.
There is one word of caution: Many people who have attended a closing find that the Lord calls them to something more. You may find yourself signing up for an inside team next Fall.
Terry Morgan
So I invite you to bake some cookies for the Lord. Use your favorite recipe. Package them 2 dozen each* in plastic 1 gallon freezer bags and bring them to the church hall by Sunday, April 3. Leave them on the table in the back corner of the hall. If you want to know how much the cookies are appreciated by the men, check out the thank you from the men on the last weekend. It's on the bulletin board in the hall.
The prison's rules are simple:
- No powdered sugar
- Nothing inside the bag except cookies – no notes,wax paper, foil etc.
- No freezer bags with the little zipper – use the ones you pinch shut
Cookies for Prisoners is truly a Lenten project.
It is real, personal charity, a gift of the ingredients and your time.
It is an act of prayer, blessing the cookies to minister to a prisoner.
It can even be an act of fasting – having all those cookies with eggs, butter, nuts, chocolate – and not eating them.
*We can also use brownies, rice crispy treats, etc. but they are packed 1 dozen per bag.
“Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners....” - Hebrews 13:3
Thank you.
Terry Morgan
If you wish to help, e-mail Lex Luther, Kitchen Leader, at, and let him know what time(s) you are available. Lex will e-mail you all the information you need.
Cooking and washing dishes may not sound very exciting, but I promise it will be a remarkable experience! Thanks for considering the opportunity.
Terry Morgan
The 30 men whom God brought to the recent Kairos #6 and #7 at Warren Correctional Institute want to thank all those who prayed, baked, cooked, and served during that weekend. They put their thanks on the attached greeting. The art work was done by the men, themselves. Just click on the photo for the full-size version.
Terry Morgan
From Fr. Steven:
Last Sunday evening, Presvytera Deborah and I were invited to the Warren Correctional Institute by Terry Morgan and Dan Georgescu, to attend a graduation ceremony for the Kairos Weekend Program, also known as a short course in "Practical Christian Living." This was an intense course that lasted from Thursday - Sunday on the grounds of the WCI. Many prisoners may know of Christian teaching, but this program is meant to assist them in taking a much deeper look at the Gospel, to embrace Christ and to seek the forgiveness and grace of God. We heard from some of those who did so at the graduation ceremony on Sunday evening. Articulate or inarticulate, their personal witnesses were all moving. We also heard a good solid talk by the prison warden, Wanda Jackson. While there, we noticed at least one of our posters prepared by our Church School students. This one had recognizable Orthodox crosses and the Jesus Prayer written on it.
Terry's role through the weekend was that of "table clergy," and Dan was a "table servant." Nicholas Georgescu volunteered to be a cook and his contribution was greatly appreciated. Also with us were Bernice Morgan and Cristiana Georgescu. Just this briefest of encounters with the atmosphere of the WCI impressed upon us the great challenges and difficulties of a prison ministry.
We deeply appreciate the efforts of both Terry and Dan in taking on this most difficult of ministries as they represent authentic Orthodox Christianity and our parish at the WCI. May God continue to bless their ongoing work. Let us all keep them in our prayers. Coincidentally, if you go to you will find an encyclical statement from the Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA) on Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday, designated for this coming Sunday, May 24.
These developing, expanding and essential ministries to prisoners (MATT. 25:31-46) and to "abandoned, abused and orphaned children" [via our mission efforts for the Hogar Rafael Ayau orphanage] (DEUT. 24:17, 21; JM. 1:27) are a deeply encouraging sign of spiritual maturity within the parish. It is the application of Gospel principles to real-life situations and needs. I hope our parish circle of participants will continue to grow. And may the Lord continue to bless and strengthen our endeavors.
~ Fr. Steven
For more info, go to the Kairos of Ohio website.
Fellow servants at Christ the Savior,
Kairos Prison Ministry International will be serving a weekend at Warren Correctional Institution on April 28 - May 1. If you would like to help bring God's love to the men inside the walls, you can bake some cookies for them. They can be chocolate chip, peanut butter, or whatever you consider a family favorite. The cookies should be 2-3" in diameter and be packed in gallon freezer bags, 2 dozen per bag. Do not put anything else in the bag, as notes, plates foil or waxed paper are all "contraband." Bring the bags to the church hall on April 24, or contact Terry Morgan if you make a lot, and need them picked up. And most important: pray over the cookies as you make them, that they will be tools of the Holy Spirit to touch prisoners' lives.
This Pascha, as you sing "and upon those in the tombs bestowing life," be assured that Christ is doing exactly that for 18 men "buried" in Warren C I.
Terry Morgan
We will have three parishioners serving with inside teams at two Kairos Prison Ministry Weekends this Autumn.
Wayne Krueger will be working with Death Row inmates at Kairosn Weekend #5 at Chillicothe Correctional Institution beginning Thursday, October 20 and ending on Sunday, October 23. Wayne writesL
"I would greatly appreciate your prayers for our team as we share the good news of God's love and forgiveness for the prisoners with whom we will meet so they may experience God's presence and give them hope in their lives. Thank you."
There is a clip board and sign up sheet located on the candlestand table in the back of the church. The sign-up sheet is entitled "Prayer Vigil for Kairos #5."
There is another sign-up sheet on the bookstore table in the Church hall, entitled "Kairos #16 Prison Ministry Prayer Vigil Sign-up." Terry Morgan will be there from Thursday, November 3 - Sunday, November 6.
For more info on how you can help, and for online prayer vigil signup, visit our special Kairos news page.