SUMMER FILM FESTIVAL - Fri. June 14, 7pm - Featuring two films, one for children ages 3-10 (Babe), and for the adults, the dramatic and morally compelling 1980 Australian war film, Breaker Morant. We plan to have two more sessions of this, our first official Film Festival, the second Friday of July and August. Full info here.
ALL SAINTS OF N. AMERICA - The Sunday of All Saints is June 30 this year, so the Sunday of All Saints of our land, North America, is the following week, Sunday, July 7. Visit our special resource page to learn about those who have shown forth the grace of God in America and Canada, featuring our special pages for St Herman of Alaska and St John Maximovitch, Wonderworker of San Francisco.
ST JOHN MAXIMOVITCH - (COMMEMORATED JULY 2) - Learn about this beloved archpastor and wonderworker, who served the Church in Russia, Serbia, Shanghai, and Western Europe, eventually coming to San Francisco. Our special Resource page features St John's Life, articles by and about him, plus suggested book titles for further reading, and an outstanding documentary film.
SUMMER BIBLE STUDY - NO CLASS JULY 24 — FINAL CLASS WED. JULY 31 - This year’s Spring/Summer Bible Study began on Wednesday, May 29. The Bible Study is entitled “The Kenotic and Cosmic Christ” – The Apostle Paul’s Epistles to the Philippians & Colossians. Our flier and full information, including class notes are posted on our Adult Education page. Plan now on joining us! -- Fr Steven
ANNUAL HERITAGE DINNER - Join us this Sunday, October 20, following the Divine Liturgy, for a very special event: Festive Bulgarian/Macedonian cuisine, plus traditional music and dancing. Donations for our St Katherine's Ladies Society welcomed!