Special Event Marks 25th Anniversary of our beloved priest and Father-Confessor - 07/06/14
On July 6, 2014, the parish sponsored a wonderful meal in the church hall to celebrate the 25 years that Father Steven and Presvytera Deborah have served at Christ the Savior - Holy Spirit Orthodox Church. The exact dates are July 1, 1989- July 1, 2014.......a quarter of a century!
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Summer Activities Workshops, June 2014 - 06/25/14
This two week extravaganza of crafts and games culminated in a parish-wide celebration on July 25. Fr Steven wrote to the parish:
"We enjoyed a wonderful evening on Wednesday as we brought our Summer Activities Workshop to a close. From the oldest adult to the youngest child, we had just about 50 participants for our finale. We were treated to chess and table tennis tournaments; a display of newly-painted pysanki eggs, together with new crocheted items; and an exhibition of some excellent folk dances from the Russian, Greek and Macedonian traditions together with some refreshments. We would like to thank our activity leaders and the high quality of teaching and guidance that they brought to their respective activity. Certainly something that we will consider planning for in the future."
More photos added July 19, 2014!
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Church School IOCC Service Project - 05/18/14
This was the final church school service project for the 2013-2014 year. The students assembled 144 Health Kits for the IOCC Humanitarian Relief project. This was also our last day for church school. See you in the Fall!
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Annual Bright Friday Party - 04/25/14
Christ is Risen!
Almost four dozen youth and twenty or so parents and adults enjoyed a wholesome time of swimming, rock-wall climbing and games to mark the end of Bright Week.
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Church School Vasilopita Event - 01/05/14
Commemorating St Basil the Great...
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Altar Servers & Church School Classes, 2013 - 12/15/13
Group photos of our Altar Servers, and of our Church School classes and our wonderful Teachers. 'Many Years' Everyone!
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St Nicholas Day Celebration - 12/15/13
From Fr Steven:
Our St. Nicholas Day Program and Charity Dinner went very well yesterday. I thought that we celebrated a wonderful and "lively" Liturgy which was very well-attended. Although not everyone stayed for the program and meal, the church hall was still quite filled and we enjoyed a good dinner served "family style" by our high school students. The procession into the hall by our Church School students led them to the stage where they all offered their gifts that will be distributed to the poor and needy before Nativity. There were dozens and dozens of gifts, so it was an excellent effort all-around. "St. Nicholas" greeted everyone and passed out a gift in return to our students. An initial rough estimate says that we raised about $650.00 at the dinner through everyone's donation. We would like thank our Church School director, Terrie Sauer, for again organizing this year's program. It was a good day for our parish family and community and we thank God - and the prayers of St. Nicholas - for the worship and fellowship that enlivened and deepened the day.
We would also like to thank our chefs, servers, clean-up crew, etc. for their time, energy and efforts.
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Church School celebrates Pascha with Bright Friday gathering - 05/10/13
Games, crafts, food and fun highlighted our Church School's Bright Week celebration. Fr. Steven was quite involved with the festivities too, showing his skills at table-top ping pong, and even taking a swipe at the pinata! Following the party, the parish celebrated Paschal Vespers for Bright Saturday, our last service for Bright Week, and turning us towards Thomas Sunday...
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Holy Week ~ Pascha 2013 - 05/05/13
Special photos of Vespers and Matins on Holy Friday, Pascha and the Agape Meal following, and Agape Vespers Sunday afternoon.
Indeed He is RISEN!
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Fr John Behr of SVS, April 21, 2013 - 04/21/13
Fr. John Behr, internationally renowned patristic scholar and dean of St Vladimir's Seminary, joined us the weekend of April 20-21, concelebrating Saturday Vespers, the Divine Liturgy, and Lenten Vespers, delivering a special talk Sunday evening: "Becoming Human According to the Early Church Fathers." Our thanks and appreciation to our esteemed guests, and to everyone who helped make this such a special weekend in the life of the parish!
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Youth Procession with Icons - 03/24/13
Christ the Savior children and youth process with icons for the celebration of Sunday of Orthodoxy...
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First Pan-Orthodox Youth Retreat an Enriching Event - 03/02/13
With 30 registered participants, including a fair share of visitors from other local Orthodox parishes, we feel our children and young adults have enjoyed a wonderful learning and social experience within the context of their life in the Church. Our thanks and appreciation to the team from Antiochian Village!
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More New Photos!
Jacob & Adalia Boehne and their son Elijah are soon-to-be official catechumens.
Greg & Becky Coons and their children Seth and Natalie are new from Middletown. Greg and the children have already been received into the Orthodox Church and Becky is in the process.
McKensie Kilbane has moved into the Cincinnati area from northern Ohio.
Chris Ramey is an inquirer who has been with us for some time now.
Click on the photo for full size version, and be sure to introduce yourself and say "Hi" at Coffee Hour! Scroll down for more new member photos, plus many more photos of life at Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit.
Holy Week~Pascha, Part 1 - 04/15/12
First group of photos from Passion Week and Pascha, with more to come soon...(33 images)
More Photos from Holy Week and Pascha - 04/15/12
More photos of the CTS Family (some photos are out of sequence -- we're working on that!)...(26 images)
More Photos from Pascha - 04/15/12
Featuring delightful closeups of many families during the Pascha Feast after Liturgy...(13 images)
New Members & Updated Photos - 12/13/11
Think of this as both a 'Welcome!' to New Members, as well as an update to our 2009 Photo Directory. Put names with faces and introduce yourself at coffee hour — We'll see you there!(5 images)
AXIOS! to Fr. Thaddeus Franta! - 09/17/11
Our dear friend and former parishioner, Todd Franta, successfully completed his studies at St Tikhon Seminary, graduating this past Spring, and was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, September 24, by Bishop Michael at Sts Peter and Paul Church in Endicott NY. We wish Fr Thaddeus and Velislava Franta MANY YEARS!, and offer our prayers for them in the next phase of their ministry in the Lord's Church!Full Story on St Tikhon Seminary website, with extensive Photo Gallery.
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Wedding of Nika Frimenko and John Boyd - 07/09/11
Many Years! ...to our fellow parishioner Nika Frimenko and her husband John Boyd, who were married July 9 at Holy Transfiguration Church (OCA) in Detroit. Here are a few of the wonderful photos from their wedding day...(14 images)
July 28, 2011
Another wonderful Village experience for our many campers, which included meeting up with dear Christ the Savior friends and former parishioners: Lee, Emili and Ravyn Malatesta, and Mary, Hannah, Lydia and Nick Charles. These photos by Mickey Callender give a great feel for the Village adventure... |