Join us for Great Vespers on Saturday, July 2 at 6pm, and for Divine Liturgy Sunday, July 3 at 9:30am (Hours at 9:10am) as we celebrate the Sunday of All Saints of North America.
From the OCA website:
"On the second Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory...
"Saints of all times, and in every country are seen as the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem fallen humanity... Thus the saints of North America also teach us how we should live, and what we must expect to endure as Christians..."
Much more on our Special Resource Page for All Saints of North America!
Dear Parish Faithful,
A Great Feast of Beauty
The glorious Feast of the Lord's Transfiguration will begin this evening with Great Vespers & the Blessing of the Loaves at 7:00 p.m. The Divine Liturgy for the Feast will be celebrated on Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. Fruit baskets will be blessed following the Liturgy.
- Friday, August 5, 7:00pm - Great Vespers with Litya
- Saturday, August 6, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy, with Blessing of Fruit Baskets
Here is a further opportunity to enliven your lives, and to do something different on Friday evening: Come to church and worship the transfigured Christ! And/Or then you can do something different - and further enliven your lives - by coming to church on Saturday morning for the Liturgy of the Transfiguration! Following the Liturgy on Saturday morning, we will bless the fruit baskets that are an integral part of this Feast.
Transfiguration Festal Resources
Honoring the Mother of God
On August 1, we embarked on our two-week fast in preparation for, and in honor of, the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. As we hopefully fast and pray, we can also increase our knowledge of the place of the Theotokos in the life of the Church. We have an extraordinarily rich page dedicated to the Dormition on our parish website. As just one example from among many, there is a link to a series of talks by Fr. Thomas Hopko on the Theotokos. Take advantage of what our parish resources can supply you with. The link below is for your convenience.
Dormition Festal Resources
Searching for a Good Book?
St. Tikhon's Monastery Press has just released a wonderful publication: St. Tikhon of Moscow - Instructions & Teachings for the American Orthodox Faithful (1898 - 1907).
St. Tikhon (later the patriarch of Moscow whose life ended in martyrdom in 1925 under the Bolshevik regime), was the Orthodox bishop of the newly-established Russian Missionary Diocese in North America from 1898-1907. He is without a doubt one of the key figures in the establishment of Orthodoxy in North America. A humble and unpretentious man, he led his then undivided flock with great devotion and pastoral energy. He was wonderfully far-sighted, promoting the use of English for North American Orthodox Christians at a very early stage in our ecclesial development.
This book collects and translates many of his most memorable sermons, addresses and important letters. Our own parishioner, Dr. Scott Kenworthy, who is currently working on a full-length biography of St. Tikhon, wrote the Preface of the book, in which he states:
"Patriarch Tikhon is, therefore, one of the most important Orthodox churchmen of modern times, and the opportunity for readers to acquaint themselves with his works through these translations is very welcome.
"During his time in America, St. Tikhon made profound contributions to the fledgling American Church. In his very first sermon in San Francisco, he promised his American flock, 'From now on, I devote all of my strength and gifts to serve you.' ...
"This translation of St. Tikhon's sermons is a worthy monument and a major contribution toward making his words and legacy available to new generations of Americans."
You can order the book directly from St. Tikhon's Monastery Press. For under $20.00 this appears to be a good and enriching investment.
- Fr. Steven
Dear Parish Faithful,
Dormition Fast to Begin
The two week fast (August 1 -14) preparing us for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos will begin on Monday.
This always strikes me as a well-timed fast as we are often mired in the "dog days" of summer. A call to spiritual vigilance is perhaps just what we need. Be a "practicing" Orthodox Christian and respect and observe the fast in a meaningful way.
During the Fast we will also celebrate the glorious Feast of the Lord's Transfiguration on August 6. This year that feast will pose a challenge, as we cannot serve a Vesperal Liturgy, since the eve is on a Friday. We will therefore follow the more traditional pattern of the Great Vespers on Friday evening, August 5; with the Liturgy to follow on Saturday morning.
The same challenge awaits us for the Feast of the Dormition on August 15. That day is a Monday, so we cannot serve a Vesperal Liturgy on Sunday evening. Rather, the Great Vespers will be held on Sunday evening, August 14; with the Liturgy of the Feast to follow on Monday morning. I hope that many of you will plan appropriately.
Planning, scheduling and commitments do not just entail vacations and entertainment during the summer months, but our shared life in the grace-filled atmosphere of the Church.
Fr. Steven
Dormition Festal Resource Page
Here is a further opportunity to enliven your lives, and to do something different on Friday evening: Come to church and worship the transfigured Christ! And/Or then you can do something different - and further enliven your lives - by coming to church on Saturday morning for the Liturgy of the Transfiguration! Following the Liturgy on Saturday morning, we will bless the fruit baskets that are an integral part of this Feast. ~ Fr. Steven
Visit our Transfiguration Resource Page for more on this Great Feast!
Join us on Monday evenng, August 8, at 7:00pm, for Great Vespers for St Herman, as we commemorate his glorification. The stikhera and apostikha for Vespers reveal the import of the first saint glorified in North America. Learn about St Herman on our extensive Resource Page.
Join us for the beautiful and theologically rich Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Great Vespers with the Litya will be served on Sunday evening, August 14 at 7:00pm, and the Divine Liturgy on Monday, August 15, at 9:30am. The decorated tomb with the beautiful embroidered icon of the Theotokos in repose will be brought into the center of the church on Sunday for our veneration... Read more & explore our Dormition Resource Page...
At our final session of this year's Parish Workshops on June 23, it seemed clear that everyone had a most enjoyable evening of learning, sharing and fellowship. There were about forty-five participants and a few observers present. The items completed in the Clay, Pysanki Eggs, and Photography workshops were on display; and we had demonstrations of table tennis, chess games and folk dancing to round out the presentations...
Read the full story by Fr. Steven and view photos, including many "live action" of ping pong and folk dancing, in our Photo Gallery.
'The Book of Signs' — Our Summer Bible Study ended Wednesday, August 17. We read, studied and discussed the opening chapters of the Gospel According to St. John, concentrating on the "signs" found there. You can explore our discussion notes here.
See also Fr. Steven's Meditation, The Bible Study and Christian Martyria.
Thursday, September 1, 7:00pm
To commemorate the beginning of the Church New Year, we will be celebrating the much loved Akathist, 'Glory to God for All Things' on Thursday evening, September 1, at 7:00pm. Learn more about this moving hymn of praise, written by an Orthodox priest in a Soviet prison camp, here. You can also order a beautiful recording of the Akathist, and download the hymn in PDF format for home use.
Join us as we begin the Church New Year by chanting the beloved Akathist of Thanksgiving, 'Glory to God for All Things'
Thursday, September 1, 7:00pm
St. Ignatius of Antioch Orthodox Christian Mission in Madison, Wisconsin, has long had a special fondness for this service. We are pleased to share with your their beautiful offering of this Akathist Service in English, hoping that others will receive as great a blessing from hearing this poignant service as they do when they pray it.
This CD also includes the hymn "O, Pure Virgin" by St. Nektarios of Aegina.
Total Recording Time: 64:42:00
Price: $17.00
Available through
Dear Parish Faithful,
A final program and something of an extension of this Summer's Parish Workshops for those who may be interested...
As an extension of our Summer Workshops, art historian Dr. Theodora Combs is offering a highlights tour, entitled "Learning to Look," of the Cincinnati Art Museum's permanent collection at 11:00am on Saturday, September 10th.
The tour will focus on key paintings by European and American painters, including Cincinnati's own Frank Duveneck. If there is further interest, a comparable tour will be conducted again later in the fall.
Please sign up for the tour using the below form by September 1st.
- The tour will last from approximately 11:00am - 12:15pm.
- The museum has a cafe if anyone would like to stay for lunch after the tour.
- Parking at the museum for non-members is $4.
- Admission is free.
- If you have any questions, please contact Theodora at 205-276-1304.
Wed. Sept 7, 6:00pm - Vesperal Divine Liturgy
The first Great Feast of the Church New Year is the Nativity of the Theotokos, and as Fr Steven reminds us in a recent meditation on the feast,
"As a straightforward and joyous feast of commemorating the birth of the Virgin Mary, we receive a 'taste' of the joyousness of life from within the Church that is often obscured by life’s challenges, difficulties and tragedies."
Join us for the Feast, and explore our special Festal Resource Page to learn more...
Sat. Sept 10, 11am-12:15pm | Online Registration
As an extension of our Summer Workshops, art historian Dr. Theodora Combs is offering a highlights tour, entitled "Learning to Look," of the Cincinnati Art Museum's permanent collection at 11:00am on Saturday, September 10th. The tour will focus on key paintings by European and American painters, including Cincinnati's own Frank Duveneck.
The tour will last from approximately 11:00am - 12:15pm. The museum has a cafe if anyone would like to stay for lunch after the tour. Parking at the museum for non-members is $4. Admission is free. Please sign up using our online form by September 1st.
With a wonderful collection of photos from our Back To School Game Night, and our youths' experience at the Antiochian Village Summer Camp, plus new member photos, there is much to explore in our Photo Gallery page!
Conducted by the Founder of the Prosopon School, Vladislav Andrejev
• October 24-29, 2016, held at Christ the Savior Holy Spirit Orthodox Church
• Beginner/Intermediate Section taught by Tatiana and Dimitrii Berestov
• All lectures by Vladislav to entire class
• Visit the Prosopon School website to learn about Vladislav Andrejev and his School of Iconology
Vladislav Andrejev, the Master teacher and Founder of the Prosopon School, returns to Cincinnati October 24-29, 2016 to teach the icon of King David. Three different icons will be taught at this workshop to accommodate all levels of iconography students, and so that all can enjoy learning from the Master!
Housing is available at the nearby Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center – see separate form.
Beginner icon of Arch. Michael or Intermediate icon of St. John the Baptist – For the first time iconography student – or almost first time! No preliminary work is required, all materials are provided: you will start and finish your icon during the 6 days of the workshop. To be taught by Tatiana and Dimitrii Berestov, $90.00 deposit to Jenny Ward should be mailed with registration by 9/30/16, plus $550.00 tuition and materials fee to Tatiana Berestova due the first day of workshop, 10/24/16.
King David Advanced icon - Student purchases 15” x 20” board, either rectangular or round top, transfers drawing, applies gold leaf, and paints lines before October 24 when class begins. Once the student registers, the drawing will be sent to the student. Fee of $500.00 due first day of class, with checks written to Vladislav Andrejev, covers tuition and pigments for this 6-day class.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE, September 21: Mail registration by September 21, 2016 to: Iconic, 7017 Miami Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45243.
Full info on the registration form.
Housing accomodations available -- see form.

Our Church School year 2016-2017 will begin Sunday, September 18. There are over 92 (potential) students on our final class list! That is huge. The students and their teachers will first come forward to receive Holy Communion, and then everyone else will follow. That is necessary so as to maximize the time of the Church School sessions. We will thus begin our post-Liturgy discussions on this Sunday.
"After over a year and a half of development and planning, a unique creative endeavor is set to begin actual travel and photography with the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos on September 8, 2016."
A fine article about our own Ralph Sidway and his upcoming North American Thebaid Project. This has been posted on our Diocesan website... — Fr. Steven
Dear Parish Faithful,
Since there have been a fair number of questions as to what precisely is being done in the Church hall renovation, it was thought best to send out a reminder of what was approved of at least year's Annual Parish Meeting...
- Proposal For Church Hall Renewal (voted on at 8/7/2016 Special Meeting)
- Special Meeting Minutes 8/07/2016
Obviously, this will all be discussed in detail if necessary at this year's upcoming Annual Parish Meeting, scheduled for Sunday, February 12. But here, for everyone's convenience, is a full summary prepared by Ellyn Gillette of the currently-approved Church Hall Renovation Project. This falls under the rubric of Phase I:
- Fr. Steven
Dear Father Steven,
Here are the improvements being made to the multi-purpose room:
expose the original ceiling
patch, prime, & paint the original ceiling
patch, prime, & paint the walls
install new suspended light fixtures from the ceiling
install new blown in fiberglass insulation (includes the stage)
replace insulated glass in window where seal was broken to route prior HVAC system
install a 3 Phase Converter for the new HVAC system (existing electric service was single phase)
install new HVAC system with new ductwork in attic and rooftop unit on flat roof
install attic access panels and catwalk for installing new ductwork and insulation and for future maintenance purposes
install railing on roof parapet to meet safety guidelines