Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit Orthodox Church
Archpriest Steven C. Kostoff
4285 Ashland Ave, Cincinnati OH 45212 - (513) 351-0907


The first Great Feast of the Church Year is the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God on Sept. 8. This beautiful feast, commemorating the birth of the Ever-Virgin Mary to the aged Joachim and Anna, falls on a Friday this year, meaning Fish, Wine and Oil are allowed even on a fast day.

Join us on Thursday, September 7 at 6pm for the Vesperal Divine Liturgy. Learn about this treasured feast on our special resource page, which includes an extensive reading list of books on the Theotokos.



September 1 marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year in the Orthodox Church, and as is our tradition, we will chant the beautiful Akathist, 'Glory to God for All Things' on Thursday evening, August 31, at 7:00pm.

You can order a recording of this beloved Akathist on CD here, read the text of the service online, and download, save and print the service in PDF format as well.

Join us as we ask the Lord's blessing on the Year, and give thanks to God!

Join us for the Akathist, Glory to God for All Things, Thu. Aug 31, 7pm

Order the CD from Archangel Books!
Order the CD from Archangel Books!


The Church New Year


Friday, September 1, is the beginning of the Church New Year. As is our tradition, we will greet the ecclesiastical new year with the wonderful Akathist Hymn, "Glory to God for All Things." We will sing and chant the Akathist on Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m.


Join us as we ask the Lord's blessing on the Year, and give thanks to God!


Thursday August 31, 7:00pm - Akathist, 'Glory to God for All Things'

Order a CD recording of this beloved service, from Archangel Books.

Read the text of the Akathist online.

Download, save and print the Akathist in PDF format.




On Saturday, September 2, we opened our pantry to 15 guests. Two of these guests were children who came with their mother. It was fun to meet the kids and invite them to come to the Garden Camp programs I lead in west Norwood. The family had just moved to the neighborhood (just a block down from me!) and they were eager to plug into the surrounding community resources and activities.

Gary George and I were so grateful for the abundance of food that was waiting in the pantry for us to distribute. Each month, we set up tables in a corner of the church hall and line the food up by category. That way our guests can come through and choose the kinds of foods they want. Because of the parish's donations this month, we were able to offer extras of several items and a couple people mentioned how helpful it was to receive all the food. Thank you so much to Christ the Savior faithful for stocking our shelves so well and supporting this ministry.


Thank you so much,
Erin Tuttle Lockridge


     UPDATED July 28 —



Iconic Studio has announced their 2017 Fall Icon Workshop for September 25-30, to be held at their studio at 7886 Camargo Rd. This 6-day class will be conducted by Prosopon School of Iconology Instructor Dmitri Andreyev. Full info on the registration form. Optional Housing also available.

Dmitri Andreyev, instructor, has responded to requests for a simpler icon during this workshop which can be completed during the six days with no preliminary work: He will be offering an icon of the head and shoulders of one of the figures in the Myrrh-Bearing icon - the angel or one of the women, in addition to the full icon.

The lower cost is not a typo - the Michael J. Ward Memorial Foundation wants to help make it possible for more students to participate and make icons!

Updated Registration FormHousing Form

Contact Jenny Ward with any questions.



Progress Report - (Sept 22) —  Church Hall is Ready - We will be able to gather for refreshments and fellowship this Sunday in the church hall. The final preparation will be completed on Saturday morning. If you would like to come and assist in that preparation, we are scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. We will have to put the rubber protective feet on the chairs. Since there are 116 chairs with four legs per chair, this is also a task that fits the description: "the more-the-merrier."




September-October Meetings & Events:

Next Sisterhood Meeting - Thursday, September 14 at 7 pm at home of Presvytera Deborah Kostoff 

Gospel City Mission Dinner - Tuesday, September 26 (contact Anastasia Kostoff)
Fall Retreat - Nadieszda Kizenko, Saturday, September 30 following Great Vespers
Fall Ethnic Dinner - Polish Cuisine, Sunday, October 15



(Sept 22) — The church school year 2017-2018 will begin this Sunday, September 24. As is our practice, the teachers and church school students should first receive Holy Communion and then proceed down to the Education Center. The rest of us will remain in church for a post-Liturgy discussion.



A Latter-Day Saint: Fr. John of Kronstadt, with Distinguished Guest Speaker, Dr. Nadieszda Kizenko

"Announcing our Fall (Mini-)Retreat with Dr. Nadieszda Kizenko on Saturday, September 30. Dr. Kizenko is a very distinguished scholar — and a practicing Orthodox Christian — and she has written the definitive biography on one of the most beloved saints of late Imperial Russia - Fr. John of Kronstadt (+1908). It will be good for us to hear of a "latter day" saint of the Church from her...."  — Fr. Steven

Read Fr. Steven's recap of this special event in the life of the parish...





City Gospel Mission Meal, Sept. 26 - We provided a meal at the City Gospel Mission for about 80 persons, including some children. We had about an 8 person work crew. Many thanks to our volunteers. 

Fall Ethnic Dinner - Polish Cuisine, Sunday, October 15



Daylight Savings Ends this Saturday Night, Nov. 4...


Nov 5, 2017 - Daylight Saving Time Ends


When local daylight time is about to reach

Sunday, November 5, 2017, 2:00:00 am clocks are turned backward 1 hour to
Sunday, November 5, 2017, 1:00:00 am local standard time instead.


Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 5, 2017 than the day before. There will be more light in the morning.


Also called 'Fall Back' and 'Winter Time'.


Help our Prison Ministry with the upcoming Kairos weekend, Nov 2-5

October 18, 2017


Dear Father Steven, Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

The next Kairos Prison Ministry weekend is coming up on November 2-5, and once again I invite all of you to play a part.


1. Cookies - if you are a baker, please consider baking some cookies. You can make any variety you wish,(except powdered sugar covered) and pack them in one gallon plastic freezer bags, one dozen per bag. Bring them to the church hall on Sunday, October 29.

We ask that you pray over the cookies as/after you bake them. We use the cookies throughout the weekend for the residents at our tables, and on Saturday we give every man in the prison a bag at his cell. Many of the residents call them "Jesus cookies."

The cookies must be home baked, but it is perfectly OK to use pre-made cookie dough from your grocery or from GFS, etc.


2. Prayer - We need the prayers of God's people, both for the team and for the men God brings to the weekend. We try to make sure that in every hour of the weekend someone (or several) are praying for us. We make a large prayer vigil poster and hang it in the chapel, and the residents can go to it and see that they are prayed for, even in the middle of the night.

If you are willing to be part of our prayer team, you can go to:

Select the time(s) you will be praying and submit the form. You will get a reminder e-mail for that time slot. Please note that you can select a time when someone else is signed up.

Some of you may not wish to use the electronic vigil, so I will bring a paper vigil form to church this Sunday.


Thank you all for your support of this prison ministry.

Terry Morgan




By praying for and baking cookies for our Prison Ministry Team, you will help reach inmates with the love of Christ. The upcoming Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend is November 2 - 5.  — Full info here.





A New Semester - "I am beginning my Fall semester at Xavier University on August 21. I am teaching my Eastern Orthodox Church course. The time of the course is MWF from 1:00 - 1:50 p.m. If  anyone would like to sit in on a lecture, please let me know. It would be nice to have you." - Fr Steven


Join us for Kids' Art Saturday as we make Christmas Ornaments!


Join us for




Join us as we make Christmas Ornaments for a special fundraiser!


Saturday, November 18, 3:00pm - 6:00pm • In the Church Hall

Free event!

For all parish children ages 5 and up.

All materials with instruction and supervision provided.

RSVP requested.


See image above for full details, or download and print our event flier.




Join us as we make Christmas Ornaments for a special fundraiser!

Saturday, November 18, 3:00pm - 6:00pm • In the Church Hall

Free event! For all parish children ages 5 and up. All materials with instruction and supervision provided. RSVP requested. Full details & flier here.

Visit our Nativity Resource Section, updated for 2017...
Visit our Nativity Resource Section, updated for 2017...



The Nativity/Advent Fast begins on Wednesday, November 15. Join us for Vespers that evening at 7 o'clock (commemorating the Holy Apostle & Evangelist Matthew) to begin the Nativity Fast together. A trifold will be available on Sunday with a list of all of the unique services of this season with other Nativity-related material. You can download and print the calendar portion of the trifold here.

Our complete Nativity Season Schedule is also posted on our Online Parish Calendar (available on our Home page and our Worship Schedule page), including special events like our Christmas Café the evening of Friday, December 1, and the Kids' Art Saturday Christmas Ornament Event on Sat. Nov. 18. Additional services may be added throughout the season. You can sync our calendar to your smart-phone, tablet or PC with just one click, and your calendar will automatically be updated when we post new services or make changes.

Be sure to explore our Nativity Resource Section, with special articles, videos, and suggested books and gifts for the Holy Season of the Birth in the Flesh of the Son of God. And plan now to join us for our Festal Services for the Nativity through Theophany.

Annual Giving Tree Charity Drive begins Sunday, Nov 19

November 17, 2017


Dear CTS Faithful,


Our annual St. Nicholas Giving Tree goes up this Sunday in the Parish hall. This year we will have requests for gifts for the women residents of Lydia's House and their children and for gift cards for the Dragonfly Foundation families. (Follow the links to learn about these worthy organizations!)


Please take a tag from the tree and bring the requested gift with the tag attached to church on Sunday December 10th. Gift receipts should be taped to the items. Gifts can be put in gift bags but please do not wrap the gifts. Gift cards should be handed directly to me.  :-)


If you will not be at church on December 10th, please bring your gift to church prior to December 10th.


Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of these families in need of our help.


In Christ,

Terrie Sauer


Join us as we commemorate St Nicholas the Wonderworker!


St. Nicholas and Church School Program -


We will celebrate the presence of St. Nicholas as a heavenly intercessor in the Church with a Vesperal Liturgy on Tuesday, December 5, at 6:00 p.m.


The St. Nicholas Day Church School Program and Charity Dinner are scheduled for Sunday, December 10 following the Divine Liturgy. Please plan on staying and supporting the efforts of the Church School.


You can learn about St Nicholas through this article on the OCA website...




"This year we will be reading The Roots of Christian Mysticism by Olivier Clement. The very prominent Orthodox scholar Fr. Andrew Louth said of this book: 'There are some books so good that all one wants to say is: go out, buy it and read it - it is marvelous!' This book - and the ensuing discussion - will immerse you into Orthodox spirituality like few books possibly could. There is nothing quite like it!" — Fr. Steven

We hope to see you there!


for women & families of Lydia's House, and The Dragonfly Foundation

Dear CTS Faithful,

Our annual St. Nicholas Giving Tree goes up this Sunday, November 19, in the Parish hall. This year we will have requests for gifts for the women residents of Lydia's House and their children and for gift cards for the Dragonfly Foundation families.

Please take a tag from the tree and bring the requested gift with the tag attached to church on Sunday December 10th. Gift receipts should be taped to the items. Gifts can be put in gift bags but please do not wrap the gifts. Gift cards should be handed directly to me.  :-)

If you will not be at church on December 10th, please bring your gift to church prior to December 10th.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of these families in need of our help.

In Christ,

Terrie Sauer

Food Pantry Volunteers Needed!

November 17, 2017


Food Pantry Help for December:

We'd like to open the food pantry to the public on Saturday, Dec 2nd with your assistance. We are looking for a few people to open the store and/or pack Christmas bags. This is a great opportunity to "love your neighbor". It's from 8:45am-10:30am. Families are encouraged to participate! Please contact us if you'd like help.

Also, we are still looking for one or two people to temporarily fill in for Erin while she's on family leave. Please contact us if you can offer your time to the ministry.

Thank you for considering,

Jennifer Haynes
Ministry Coordinator


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