Jan. 9, 2023: Vespers at 7:00 p.m. followed by the final session of the Fall Adult Education Class:
The Epilogue " God as Eternity," the wonderful final chapter of The Orthodox Way by Archbishop Kallistos Ware.
We will focus on the profound but not easily definable concept of "eternity." We will first serve Vespers at 7:00 p.m., and then begin the class following the service.
A Feast of Joy - Yesterday, we celebrated the Feast of Theophany, with the Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters being an "awesome" expression of the life and joy of the Church at its truest. The church was filled with worshippers and being able to go outdoors for the Blessing of the Waters was a wonderful culminating point. The outdoor setting added to the beauty of honoring God's creation in its more primordial element - water. I have already heard from more than a few parishioners of their own joyous experience of yesterday's wonderful Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters. There was a deep sense of the Church as the gathered Body of Christ. - Fr Steven
Be sure to explore our Theophany Resources to learn more about this major feast, recorded in all four Gospel accounts, which reveals the worship of the Holy Trinity. Joyous Feast!

Joyous Feast! — With the celebration of the Feast of Theophany, we begin the practice of house-blessings. Fr Steven recently sent an email to the parish indicating his best times in the weeks ahead. Please contact Fr Steven to schedule the blessing of your home!
Sunday, January 22 was designated as 'Sanctity of Life Sunday' in the Orthodox Church in America. Explore our special resource page on Sanctity of Life in the Orthodox Church Tradition for several links to coverage of this year's commeoration, plus many other extensive resources.

Following our Nativity-Theophany break, Church School Classes will resume Sunday, January 15, 2023.
We are studying Church History this year starting with Pentecost. Late registrations welcomed! Please contact either Fr. Steven or Terrie Sauer.

Mark your calendars and plan to join us March 17-19, 2023 for the first visit to our parish by our new archpastor!
Archbishop Daniel will be with us for three services, from Friday through Sunday, including a Q&A after Saturday Vespers.
- Fri. March 17, 7:00pm - Akathist Hymn
- Sat. March 18:
- 6:00pm - Great Vespers
- followed by Q&A with His Eminence
- Sun. March 19:
- 9:00am - Entrance by Abp Daniel, followed by the Hours
- 9:30am - Divine Liturgy
Scroll down to get acquainted our new hierarch of the Midwest Diocese, Archishop Daniel, through an assortment of articles and links, including a recent interview on Ancient Faith Radio...
March 5, 2023
About twenty of us from Christ the Savior joined with Orthodox Christians from around the Greater Cincinnati area for Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers, concelebrating the Restoration of the Holy Icons in 843 AD.
Hosted by St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, the Vespers service was followed with a wonderful meal in their spacious church hall:
Learn about this special commemoration on the First Sunday of Great Lent on our special page of our Great Lent Resource Section.
The Epistle and Gospel Readings of the Sundays of Lent
- Thursday mornings at 10:00am,
- Weeks 2-5 of Great Lent
- Included in our online calendar
The earthquake in Turkey/Syria has been absolutely devastating, with a death toll that has now exceeded 11,000 persons. Clearly one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recent memory.
If you would like to support the relief effort through the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), please do so using this link. IOCC has the highest reputation for really delivering in times of need.
In Christ,
Fr. Steven
The parish was represented by five of us at the two funeral services for Archpriest Daniel Rentel February 10 and 11. There was the Funeral Service for a Priest on Friday evening; and the hierarchical Liturgy on Saturday morning celebrated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. Fr. Dan lived a full life of service to the Church and in loving communion with his family. His son, Fr. Alexander, is the chancellor of the OCA. Our deepest sympathy to the family, beginning with Matushka Elaine. If you would like to read more about Fr. Dan, please visit our special In Memoriam page.
A New Catechumen - Before the Liturgy on Sunday, February 5, Chuck Sentell joined the ranks of the catechumens. We look forward to his eventual entrance into the Church. Chuck's sponsor is Philip Enzweiler.
More Catechumens - On Wednesday evening, February 8, following Vespers, we will receive Adam & Bailey Hendizadeh into the ranks of the catechumens. This will be in anticipation of their respective Baptisms on Saturday, February 25, at 9:30 a.m. Adam and Bailey's sponsors are Anthony and Courtney Flick.
Ascension & Pentecost
Full info and weekly class notes provided on our special page
July Interlude:
4 Session Online Old Testament Course
Conducted by St Vladimir's Seminary | Contact Fr Steven for more info
Wednesday evening Bible Study classes resume August 9
Vespers 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study to follow
Our Parish Picnic returns!
Sunday, October 1, 2023
The Feast of the Protection of the Theotokos
following the Divine Liturgy
(approx. 12:00 Noon)
at Swaim Park, Montgomery Ohio
Go to our Parish Picnic Page for full info and to RSVP and signup online to bring side dishes and more...
We can't wait to gather together and relaunch this favorite parish tradition!
Saturday, September 30
9am - 12 Noon
Save the Date for Saturday, September 30th at CTS Parish Hall! As a group we'll make our own pancakes, discuss some patristic writings, have a pancake decorating contest and a prize will be awarded for best dressed pancake! We're Looking forward to seeing you there.
In Christ, The Youth Group Team, Adalia, Jake, Jenny
Vesperal Divine Liturgy,
Monday, Nov. 20, 6:00pm
On November 21, soon after the beginning of the Nativity Fast, the Holy Church celebrates the Feast of the Entrance of the Most-Holy Theotokos into the Temple. Here we encounter the holiness of Mary a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God, something that all of us are called to be. Continue reading...
This is a feast especially loved by Orthodox monastics, as it points towards the life of hesychasm, the prayer of the heart, and stillness, practiced in monasteries.
Join us for the Vesperal Divine Liturgy for the feast on Monday evening, November 20, at 6:00pm, and explore our Festal Resource Page for this mystical feast of the Mother of God.
Sacraments of Healing
by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
Six Monday evenings,
beginning October 30
Our book of choice for this year's Fall Adult Education Class (beginning on October 30), Sacraments of Healing, has arrived. We received 20 copies, five of which were reserved. Visit our Fall Adult Class Page for full info and book description...
This link leads to a series of reflections from our Oaks of Mamre Ministry by Kevin Rains. Learn how the practice of parish hospitality is an essential component to assisting visitors and inquirers to experience the fulness of life offered in an Orthodox Christian community.