(3/25 UPDATE) St. Katherine Sisterhood (SKS) thanks everyone who has participated in its Lenten Soup To-Go Fundraiser thus far.
Sign Up Genius has been updated as follows:
- TWO soups offered during the remaining weeks of Great Lent.
- Cost for 1-quart container of homemade soup prepared by SKS members is $10.
- Includes parishioners who signed up for soups as of March 21st as well as those who pre-ordered via Sign Up Genius.
- SKS encourages you to pre-order with Sign Up Genius to make sure your soup is available in the coming weeks of Great Lent.
The Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers was celebrated March 13 at St. James Antiochian Orthodox Church in Loveland. There was quite a large group of worshippers, and about twenty-five of our parishioners were present. Seven priests were serving, including two deacons, one of whom was Dn. Johnothon. As anticipated, there was a wonderful lenten meal that followed the service and which gave everyone an opportunity for fellowship.
Get your tickets for this exciting documentary, Produced and Directed by Aleksandar Jovic.
Come to Vespers at 6:00pm and then head straight to The Esquire, 320 Ludlow Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220. A growing group of us from the parish are going and are eagerly looking forward to this event, the second important Orthodox film to be released this year in America.
Purchase your tickets in advance through this Eventbrite page.
Brief info, synopsis, and links:
Beyond the Peak
One Light Films LLC
Directed By: Aleksandar Jovic
Produced By: Aleksandar Jovic and Alana Smythee
Feature Documentary
Faith-Based | Mountain Climbing
Short Synopsis: Beyond the Peak is a mountain climbing documentary that follows David, a man on a mission to climb a mountain in memory of his recently deceased brother - realizing soon thereafter that this would only be the first step of a more profound journey.
Won Best Diaspora Documentary @ The Chicago Serbian Film Festival (2021)
Won Best Cinematography @ The Great Lakes Christian Film Festival (2021)
Nominated for Best Documentary @ The Faith in Film International Film Festival
Official Selection @ The Belgrade International Film Festival (2021)
LINKS: Facebook | Website | Trailer (on Vimeo) | EventBrite Page for Cinci Premiere
Beyond the Peak Trailer from Aleksandar Jovic on Vimeo.
Each year, the Orthodox Church reaffirms its commitment to, in the words of Metropolitan Tikhon, "the proclamation of the Sanctity of Life – as an opportunity to reiterate unequivocally our commitment to the defense of the defenseless, and the protection of the most vulnerable, and thus our opposition to abortion. As Christians it cannot be any other way."
We have collected numerous links to outstanding materials from a variety of sources, including from the OCA, plus several of Fr Steven's classic meditations, and from the re-launched Orthodox Christians for Life organization, all on our special page for the Sanctity of Life.
‘I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead . . .’
The Resurrection of Christ and the Faithful according to Luke 24 and 1 Corinthians 15
Wednesday Evenings beginning June 8
Beginning June 8, we will conduct an in-depth study of the Resurrection accounts in the Gospel of St Luke, Ch. 24, and of St Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, Ch. 15. Join us as we walk with the Risen Lord!
- Classes held in our Education Center - live Zoom broadcast for those unable to attend in person.
- Class at 7:30pm. Online schedule updated weekly; some sessions may be preceded by Vespers at 7:00pm.
Learn more and download our Bible Study handouts and flier here...
Handouts and class notes will be posted on our Bible Study page as they become available...
Includes the Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, a new meditation from our priest, Fr Steven Kostoff, plus a statement from Orthodox Christians for Life, and more. Read the messages and explore our Sanctity of Life Resource Section . . .
Join us for the beloved Akathist, 'Glory to God for All Things', with which we traditionally greet the beginning of the Church New Year.
- Wed. Aug 31, 7:00pm - Akathist: 'Glory to God for All Things'
Learn more about this beautiful hymn of praise and thanksgiving here, where you can also order a lovely recording of it.
We hope to see you!

Dear Families of Student Age Youth,
Hello! As a "kickoff" to the Church New Year and a new year of youth group fellowship, we invite you to join us at 6pm this Wednesday, August 31, for a picnic meal in the fellowship hall - where families can bring their dinner (chips and beverages will be provided) and socialize a bit before the Akathist "Glory to God for All Things."
We acknowledge that families may have plans already or with school starting, may not be able to attend on a school night. In those cases, no pressure! However, we wanted to encourage families who can make it to join as we "soft launch" the restart of the Youth Group.
As an aside, we will be sharing more soon about the dates we will be meeting together for a year of learning more about Christ, building community and serving our neighbor.
Blessings in Christ,
The Youth Group Team: Adalia, Jake, Jenny, and Pastoral Advisor Fr. Steven
Read Fr Steven's new meditation about our life in the Church, which includes a helpful list of suggestions and reminders for the Summer months, with links for your convenience:
Life In The Church - In Season and Out of Season
"There is hardly a good reason to be less “Church-centered” in the summer than during the other seasons of the year. There is nothing “seasonal” about God: If God withdrew His presence but for a moment, we would simply cease to exist! Here are some suggestions meant to maintain our vigilance with the approach of the summer months . . ."
Join us for a special
honoring UKRAINE
- Sunday, Sept. 18, following the Divine Liturgy
- Sponsored by the St. Katherine Sisterhood
- Donations gladly accepted with 100% of proceeds to ELEOS*
Full info and menu on our ETHNIC DINNER FLYER, or enlarge the above image.
*ELEOS is the official charity organization of the Orthodox Church of Poland doing wonderful work in support of Ukrainian refugees in Poland and war victims since the beginning of the war.

Now through September 25, 2022
Dear Parish Faithful,
Here is the information, for an important "service project" that the entire parish can participate in. Please read Terrie Sauer's letter below carefully for details. And let's have a very generous collection and contribution for less fortunate children who are just as eager to learn, but lack the necessary supplies to do so.
- Fr. Steven
Dear CTS Faithful,
The IOCC School Kits campaign began Sunday, August 14th and runs until September 25, 2022. The kits should include only the following materials..
- One pair of blunt metal scissors (rounded tip)
- Three 70-count spiral or tape-bound pads of 8” x 10-1/2” ruled paper or pads with 200-210 sheets. Please do not provide loose-leaf or filler paper.
- One 30-centimeter ruler (12”)
- One hand-held pencil sharpener
- Six new pencils with erasers
- One eraser, 2-1/2”
- One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
Please place all of the items needed for one kit in a large zip lock bag (the two gallon size works best) and place the completed kits in the blue bin in the parish hall.
We encourage you to shop and assemble these kits with your children. By putting together an IOCC Schoot Kit, you can give a less fortunate child the tools needed to do well in school and allow our church school families an opportunity to volunteer together in Christ's service.
". . . as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."
In Christ,
Terrie Sauer
- The Renovated Kitchen - Our deep appreciation to Rhett Harkins and his company of RDM Services for their timely and excellent work in completing this project. Please feel free to take a look when next in the Church Hall.
- The Parish Hall is still being used for temporary storage, and we are working through the items in the southwest corner.
- Thank you for your understanding!
A PARISH EVENING WITH ARCHBISHOP KALLISTOS - Presvytera and I hosted this event Sunday evening, September 25, and it proved to be an enriching experience to see and hear the late Archbishop Kallistos speak with such authority, but also with true humility and insight about prayer, specifically the Jesus Prayer. A lively discussion and fellowship followed his talk. As this was very well-attended, we may plan a "second session" later in the Fall.
Read a special 'Guest Meditation' from one of our paishioners reflecting on our Evening with Archbishop Kallistos.
Soon after the beginning of the Nativity Fast, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Entrance of the Most-Holy Theotokos into the Temple. Here we encounter the holiness of Mary a small child separated from the world, brought to live in the Temple a life set apart, consecrated, and in a state of intimacy with God, something that all of us are called to be.
Join us for the Feast, and learn more on our Festal Resource Page:
- Sun. Nov 20, 6:00pm - Festal Vespers & Litya
- Mon. Nov 21, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy
- Fri. Nov 25 - Leavetaking of the Feast
- Festal Resource Page
For Thanksgiving, we again offer our recently updated Meditations for Thanksgiving section, with numerous special articles and reflections by saints and church teachers, plus the beloved Akathist of Thanksgiving, Glory to God for All Things.
Join us for the winter feast of St Herman of Alaska, with the Divine Liturgy on the day of his commemoration, and the Akathist on Thursday morning for this beloved saint:
- Tue. Dec 13, 9:30am - Divine Liturgy
- Thu. Dec 15, 7:00am - Akathist to St Herman
Explore our extensive resource section for St Herman, with videos, audio, articles, books, icons, and much more!
SESSION 6, Mon. Dec 12, 7:30pm
In this year's class, we will continue to honor the memory of His Eminence, Archbishop Kallistos Ware, who recently reposed in the Lord. In doing so, we will read and discuss his now-contemporary classic, The Orthodox Way.
Full info, class notes, plus links to order the book here.
Join us and bring a friend! Free and open to the public!
As in recent years, we again provide our Online Pledge Form which is quick and secure. Fill out your pledge in under a minute! Thank you for your support of our parish!

There were over 50 people in church the evening of Wednesday, September 28, for a wonderful Vespers service and the talk to follow by Mother Paula.
Such a response is very encouraging, indeed, as it reflects "parish hospitality" in receiving a guest, and in this case making Mother Paula feel at home as she returned to her former parish. She made a presentation of a short history of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery with some comments about monastic life to follow.
Dear Parish Faithful,
This is the beginning of a series of reflections coming from our Oaks of Mamre Ministry. The chair of that committee is Kevin Rains, and what Kevin writes is a fine explanation of the work and goal of that ministry. Briefly stated, it is about parish hospitality as a key component on assisting visitors and inquirers to experience the fulness of life offered in an Orthodox Christian community.
- Fr. Steven
NEW! Special Resource Page on St Nektarios
Widespread interest in the film, MAN OF GOD, has prompted us to create a new page:
St Nektarios the Wonderworker Resource Page,
- featuring his Life, plus links to extensive additional resources on his ministry, writings, miracles, and more,
- PLUS our special features on the film, MAN OF GOD, including movie trailer, film info, where to order, interviews, soundtrack, and much more, here.
MAN OF GOD now available to watch for free on YouTube, with ads. Scroll down for links to order digital download, DVD or BluRay.
Link to Ancient Faith Store, which has many books by and about St. Nektarios...
'MAN OF GOD' now available on VOD, DVD & Blu-ray in the U.S. & Canada!
Get your digital copy on one of the major platforms here!
Get your physical DVD/Blu-ray copy from Amazon here!
For DVD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YKPNFTH
For Blu-ray: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YK4QPGH
The film is also available on demand through the major cable and satellite networks across the U.S. and Canada including Comcast, Spectrum, AT&T, Direct TV, Altice, Cox, Verizon, Frontier, Suddenlink, Mediacom, Armstrong, Shaw, Telus and Bell.
Excerpt from Fr Steven's review:
Everything about the film was of the highest quality - the script, the acting, the recreation of late 19th - early 20th c. Egypt and Greece, the musical score, and a fine eye from the director for the larger narrative and those details that leave a lasting impression. The director, by the way, is Yelena Popovich, a Serbian-American, who is an Orthodox believer. She has made a film unapologetically focusing on a "holy man" (the actual meaning of the word "saint") of deep faith and piety - St. Nektarios of Aegina (+1920) The Orthodox scholar, Constantine Cavarnos has described St. Nektarios in the following manner: "Metropolitan of Pentapolis, great Theologian, Philosopher, Moralist, Educator, Ascetic, Mystic, Miracle-Worker and Healer." His written legacy is quite prolific . . .
Proceed to our special page for St Nektarios and the film, 'MAN OF GOD' . . .

Church School Program:
Dear Parents,
Our 2022-2023 Church School Year begins on Sunday, September 18!
We will be studying Church History this year starting with Pentecost.
Everyone must register each year so we can group the classes according to size & age group. We base our staffing on registration so please register ASAP😊! An email was sent with the link to register. If you did not receive the email, or if you are new to the parish and want to register your children, please contact either Fr. Steven or Terrie Sauer.
Covid Mask Policy: Masks are optional in church school. If masking becomes mandatory in the Church due to extremely high Covid transmission then masks will also be required in church school.
Looking forward to a wonderful year of Church School!
In Christ,
Terrie Sauer, Church School Director