Archbishop Job ~ The One-Year Memorial
Posted Dec 17, 2010
In Memoriam: Marking the First Anniversary
of the Repose of Archbishop Job
December 18, 2010
of the Repose of Archbishop Job
December 18, 2010
Dear Parish Faithful,
Saturday, Dec. 18, will be the one-year anniversary of the repose of Archbishop Job. All parishes in our diocese have been directed to have a memorial service for him, which we will do following the Liturgy on Sunday. At the time of his death, I wrote an article that was something of a tribute to his integrity during a difficult time for the OCA. We are now in the process of "moving on" from that "time of troubles." Yet, for those who may want to re-read that article, or read it for the first time, the link is immediately below for your convenience. We are now looking forward to the consecration of bishop-elect, Hieromonk Matthias, in May of 2011.
In Christ,
Fr. Steven
- Archbishop Job ~ A Witness to the TruthIn Christ,
Fr. Steven
You are also encouraged to visit the
Midwest Diocese Commemoration of our Beloved Archpastor Job:
Archbishop Job's memory remains with us in so many ways -- in our personal and liturgical prayers, in recalling the blessings we received when he visited our parishes or attended a summer camp or engaged us, beyond worship, in fellowship, and in the pain we felt as he called one and all to fully embrace "the one thing needful" with honesty, integrity, and transparency. To say that the Church, one year after his repose, is changing "for the better" would be an understatement. To ignore the fact that the example he offered to us -- and the issues he challenged us to face squarely -- played no role in initiating change would be a lie. And it is in the very example of his own life and trust in God that our sorrow has been turned into that joy which transcends earthly tragedies and refocuses our vision on the Kingdom to which we all aspire. Continue reading on the Midwest Diocese website . . .
A Video Tribute to Vladyka Job
The Repose of our Beloved Archpastor Job
Updated January 1, 2010
Links to stories and features about our beloved Archbishop, Vladyka Job, who unexpectedly fell asleep in the Lord on Friday, December 18, 2009:
- OCA Story, including the announcement of a comprehensive tribute to be posted on the OCA website sometime during the first week of the New Year.
- Original OCA announcement, with a brief life of Archbishop Job.
- Fr Steven's recent Meditation: Archbishop Job ~ A Witness to the Truth
- Interview with Archpriest John Zdinak, Chancellor of the Midwest Diocese, on Ancient Faith Radio. Fr. John spoke with Archbishop Job only two hours before his passing.
- The Funeral Vigil for Archbishop Job, on Ancient Faith Radio, with the Homily by OCA Chancellor Fr Alexander Garklavs, Metropolitan Jonah, presiding.
- Photos of the Funeral Services for Archbishop Job, from the Midwest Diocese Website.
- Funeral Services for His Eminence as posted on the Midwest Diocese Website.