UPDATED - TIMES CHANGED FOR APRIL 9 — Sign up for our annual Lenten cleanup in anticipation of Great and Holy Pascha! Saturday, April 9. We need helpers of all types (and ages!). Also, consider signing up for the post-Pascha pickup on Sunday May 1, noon to 1:30pm to set the church in good shape for Agape Vespers and Bright Week. In addition to serving the church and one another, this is always a wonderful time of fellowship. Full info here...
On Sunday, April 3, following the Divine Liturgy, author Angela Doll Carlson reads from her new book, Nearly Orthodox. Copies in the bookstore. Then, on Saturday, April 16, following Great Vespers, Fr. Cyril Hovorun will be giving a talk: The Pan-Orthodox Council - Behind the Iconostasis. Refreshments and fellowship to follow. Join us for both these special events! More info here and here...
'Behold the Bridegroom cometh...'
The complete Holy Week schedule is posted on our pop-up calendar, and our annual Great Lent-Holy Week Trifold Brochure and Schedule is available in Church. Join us for the glorious Festal Interlude of Lazarus Saturday & Palm Sunday, before we enter into the Lord's Passion Week with the Bridegroom Matins on the evening of Palm Sunday.
Full Holy Week Schedule on our pop-up calendar (with Smart Phone Sync!) plus "at a glance" schedule at right, and in printable PDF format below:
Be sure to explore our extensive Holy Week Resource Section for articles, videos, suggested books, and many more helps as we journey with the Lord towards His Cross and the Empty Tomb. Newly updated for 2016...
'Having completed the saving Forty Days...'
Great Lent ends with Vespers for Lazarus Saturday (on Friday, April 22, this year), when we liturgically enter into the great Festal Interlude of the Raising of Lazarus and the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Plan on joining us for all the services of Lazarus Saturday-Palm Sunday, and continue with us into Holy Week, which begins Sunday evening at 7pm with the first of the beautiful and compunctionate Bridegroom Matins Services. Then journey with us through the Lord's Passion Week, as we enter into the mystery of our salvation through Christ's Sufferings, Crucifixion and ultimately His Resurrection on Great and Holy Pascha.
Be sure to explore our extensive Holy Week Resource Section for articles, videos, suggested books, and many more helps as we journey to the Cross and the Empty Tomb! — Newly updated for 2016...
Set aside some time to watch this deeply edifying talk by Fr. Zacharias of St John the Baptist Monastery in Essex, UK, as he presents the spirituality of St. Silouan of Mt Athos and Elder Sophrony, especially in the context of preparing for Great Lent.
Fr. Zacharias is a disciple of Elder Sophrony, who brought to the world the life and teachings of St. Silouan. Links to Fr. Zacharias' books are also provided for deeper immersion in the Way of the Enlargement of the Heart...

Due to the Memorial Saturday Liturgy scheduled at 9:30 AM on April 9th we have a revised Clean Up Plan!
If I can have 2-3 volunteers from 7:30-9:00 a.m. we can changed the various bulbs in the church.
The remainder of clean up items will start after Liturgy at 11AM - 4PM. We will have inside and outside projects planned. We need volunteers of all ages even if it is for part of the time allotted.
Please leave me a message of your intended time of availability at 5134038172 or hcallender at cinci.rr.com
Thank you,
Mickey Callender
Dear Parish Faithful,
An important announcement/recruitment request from our parish ministry of building maintenance about our upcoming Lenten Clean Up before Holy Week and Pascha. Please consider being a steward of your time and energy. — Fr. Steven
The following are several volunteer opportunities for parishioners. The most immediate opportunities are the Annual Lenten Clean Up scheduled for April 9th and the post Pascha Clean Up May 1st.
All volunteers can contact me with the times they would be available to assist in the clean up dates.
Mickey Callender
Lenten Clean Up
When: Saturday April 9
- Morning Shift: 7:30AM - 9:00AM
- Memorial Saturday Liturgy: 9:30AM
- Afternoon Shift: 11:00AM - 4:00PM
The Parish is in need of 20 people to accomplish all the work. We will need volunteers of all ages (small children will need to be supervised) to do the following:
Clean sanctuary
Vacuum floors
Wash pews, dust walls and clean cobwebs
Polish candle stands
Change bulbs in chandeliers and over sanctuary
Lawn work – mow grass, trim bushes, edge walks, tend flower beds
Clean bathrooms
Deep clean the kitchen
Wipe down all chairs, highchairs, and tables
Sweep and clean all hall wood floors
Post Pascha Clean Up
When: Sunday May 1st Noon to 1:30 PM
The Parish is in need of 10 volunteers that are willing to come prior to the 2 PM Agape Vespers in Sunday May 1st to assist in the cleaning of the hall and Church.
Clean up candle wax
Dust and straighten up pews
Vacuum floors
Dust mop hall floors
On Sunday, April 3, following the Divine Liturgy, author Angela Doll Carlson read from her new book, Nearly Orthodox, and engaged with the parish for some lively Q&A discussion after. Her honest and insightful account of her journey to the Orthodox Faith provides a refreshing and artistic, poetic perspective for converts, seekers and strugglers.
For her reading, Angela chose a passage perfect for Great Lent, which reflected on the necessity of taking time to allow the lengthy services (especially of the Great Canon of St Andrew during the First Week) to work their grace in us, and linking that to the need for simple, play time with her children. It was a very thoughtful passage and, coming on the Sunday of the Cross, served as an added encouragement to us to press forward through the course of the Fast.
Copies of her book are available online or in the parish bookstore. Angela has family in the area, so we hope to see her often on her repeat visits to Cincinnati!
Eleven of us from our parish were present March 20 at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church for the Vespers service commemorating the Sunday of Orthodoxy as well as taking us into the Second Week of Great Lent. Fr Steven served (and was asked to give the homily) with four other Cincinnati area priests and a deacon, and we also made a huge contribution to the choir. (Those who didn't stay missed an incredible lenten meal that followed the service). Continue reading and view photos here...
For the week after Pascha (Bright Week), we use the special Hours of Pascha. This brief service features some of the most beautiful and meaningful hymns of the Pascha Liturgy. Keep the Light of Pascha burning by using this powerful prayer service!
Remember - from Pascha to Ascension we do not offer the prayer to the Holy Spirit, but instead begin our prayers by chanting thrice the Paschal Troparion: 'Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.'
Download and Print the Hours of Pascha in PDF format.
For the week after Pascha (Bright Week), we use the special Hours of Pascha. This brief service features some of the most beautiful and meaningful hymns of the Pascha Liturgy. Keep the Light of Pascha burning by using this powerful prayer service!
Remember - from Pascha to Ascension we do not offer the prayer to the Holy Spirit, but instead begin our prayers by chanting thrice the Paschal Troparion:
'Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.'
- Download and Print the Hours of Pascha in PDF format.
- Keep the fire of Pascha alive by exploring our Pascha to Pentecost Resource Section!
Volunteers Urgently Needed for OCMC Teaching Team to Indonesia at the End of June!
On June 28th, OCMC will be sending a team of Orthodox volunteers to teach the Faith in Medan, Indonesia.
This teaching is needed by the Orthodox faithful, especially the youth, in this predominately Muslim country, and volunteers are needed for this team now more than ever.
Please consider applying if you are able to give your time to help strengthen the Faith of Orthodox children in Indonesia by visiting http://www.ocmc.org, e-mailing teams@ocmc.org, or by calling 1-877-463-6784 ext. 141.
Dear Parish Faithful,
You may want to look at the website link below for further information about this upcoming program in Norwood. With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Paul, all of the parishes of our local Deanery of the Midwest Diocese will also receive this announcement in search of interested participants.
~ Fr. Steven
~ ~ ~
Friends, family and colleagues,
Three important notes about the upcoming Parish Farming School of Eucharistic Discipleship:
• We have pushed back our start date to May 2, 2016, in order to accommodate more students.
• We are currently receiving applications.
• Learn more at our new website www.parishfarmingschool.org
Please pass this information on to anyone who you think may be interested.
Many thanks,
Robert & Erin Lockridge
From the PFS website:
The Parish Farming School of Eucharistic Discipleship, is located in Norwood, Ohio, and explores — from within the framework of the Christian tradition — some of the biological, ecological, economic, cultural, and theological realities that shape our understanding of what it means to bear the image of the triune God in post-industrial America.
This residential internship offers an integrated learning experience, as we study, work, make meals, pray, feast, fast, laugh, and learn together.
School begins May 2, 2016. Applications are due April 12.
Watch this YouTube video for a great introduction to the PFS...
URGENT APPEAL: Volunteers Needed for OCMC Teaching Team to Indonesia at the End of June!
On June 28th, OCMC will be sending a team of Orthodox volunteers to teach the Faith in Medan, Indonesia.
This teaching is needed by the Orthodox faithful, especially the youth, in this predominately Muslim country, and volunteers are needed for this team now more than ever.
Please consider applying if you are able to give your time to help strengthen the Faith of Orthodox children in Indonesia by visiting http://www.ocmc.org, e-mailing teams@ocmc.org, or by calling 1-877-463-6784 ext. 141.
Dear Parish Faithful,
We hosted the second of our two guest speakers that were scheduled for this Lent, and that was Archimandrite Cyril Hovorun.
Fr. Cyril spoke on Saturday evening and again during the post-Liturgy discussion on Sunday. As a well-traveled academic theologian, he is very knowledgable about the contemporary Orthodox world and he shared some of that knowledge with us over the weekend.
Fr. Cyril was positive about the upcoming "Great Council" to be held this summer, as it will be the first such Council to be held for centuries; but also very realistic in telling us not to expect very much by way of "decision-making" or important pronouncements concerning the Church. So, it remains, in my estimation, a somewhat vague and uncertain event, especially with the ongoing tensions between certain of the ancient patriarchates, including Moscow and Constantinople. Fr. Cyril then con-celebrated with me on Sunday, and gave a solid talk about the contemporary state of Orthodoxy in the world.
-- Fr Steven
We hope you enjoy our recordings of these two talks!
Bible Study resumes after Pascha with Resurrection Narratives
Thursdays at 10:00am in the Education Center
We will resume our Thursday morning Bible Study on May 26 with our next session on the Resurrection. Join us as we explore the myrrhbearing women discovering the empty tomb, the angel proclaiming the message of the resurrection, Christ's promise to meet the disciples in Galilee, and more.
And be sure to visit our special Pascha Resource Section!
Explore our extensive resource section on this Radiant and Transformative Season, when we celebrate the Risen Christ among us, leading up to the Great Feasts of the Lord's Ascension in Glory and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Special pages for the Sundays of Pascha, the Midfeast of Pentecost, plus numerous articles, suggested books, videos, and much more.
Explore this unique collection of photos from Holy Friday, Holy Saturday, and Pascha night!
The Great Feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ is Thursday, June 9, celebrated with a Vesperal Divine Liturgy at 6:00pm Wednesday evening, June 8. This is also the Leavetaking of Pascha.
Join us for this powerful and pivotal feast, when we commemorate the Risen Christ raising our human nature to glory by ascending to heaven and sitting at the right hand of God the Father.
Explore Fr. Steven's Meditations on the Ascension of the Lord, and visit our Ascension Resource page for more articles on the Feast.
The cycle of liturgical services for the Great Feast of Pentecost, June 18-19, is as follows:
Saturday, June 18 - Great Vespers with Litiya and Blessing of Loaves - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 19 - Hours at 9:10 a.m.; Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.; Vespers of Pentecost and Kneeling Prayers to follow Liturgy
Visit our Pentecost Resource page for links to Fr Steven's meditations for the Feast, and more articles...
PHOTOS OF PASCHA, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES, POSTED MAY 28! — Visit our Photo Gallery for slideshows of our 2016 graduating class, as well as our church school teachers — honored on Sunday, May 15, fllowing the Divine Liturgy. Also explore other recent slide shows from Holy Week, Pascha and more.
We first launched this delightful Summer Session in 2014, and it was a very popular parish event. Now we've expanded it and brought it back, and are opening it up to our friends in the Norwood neighborhood! Opportunities for all ages and skill levels! Featuring seven (7) new and updated workshops for 2016!
Chess • Ping-Pong • Working with Clay • Pysanki Eggs • Folk Dancing • Children's Choir • Photography
4 days across 2 weeks • Tuesday/Thursday
June 14 & 16 • June 21 & 23 • 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Displays, Demonstrations and Refreshments on Thursday, June 23
Full info and Easy Online Registration here. Please join us! We look forward to having you!

Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit presents
Opportunities for all ages and skill levels!
New and updated workshops for 2016!
4 days across 2 weeks • Tuesday/Thursday
June 14 & 16 • June 21 & 23
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Displays, Demonstrations and Refreshments: Thursday, June 23
NOTE: CHILDREN'S CHOIR IS CANCELLED. Please select one of our other offerings!
• Download, Print & Share our Flier (Ltr size, 8.5"x11", PDF)
• Download, Print & Share our Poster (Ledger size, 11"x17", PDF)
Workshops & Instructors:
1) Checkmate! - Chess with ‘Grandmaster’ Steven Korach
With a few classic Chess openings and principles of play, you can truly improve your game!
2) ‘Thy Hands Have Made And Fashioned Me’
- Working in Clay with Emily Farison
Our most tactile workshop! Learn to create artistic, whimsical and useful designs in clay — with your bare hands!
3) ‘Never Take Your Eye Off the Ball’
- Ping Pong with Fr. Steven Kostoff
From enjoyable rec room pasttime to highly competitive international sport, Table Tennis is one of the fastest, most funnest (!?) games you can learn! Plus who can resist playing Ping Pong with Fr. Steven?!
4) ‘The Ancient Art of Pysanki’
- Pascha Egg Dying with Kasia Leara
You've marvelled at their beauty, intricacy and colors — Now learn how to create Pysanki Eggs yourself!
5) ‘Forget Your Troubles and Dance’
- Folk Dancing with Kyra Wesner & Presvytera Deborah Kostoff
Traditional folk dancing is for everyone, from 9 to 90! Join us for the dance of life!
7) ‘Pursuing the Light’ - Improving Your Photography with Ralph Sidway
Non-technical lessons on light, focus, composition, perspective and more, so you can take your picture quality to the next level. We'll also touch on printing, sharing, and presentation of your photos. Classroom instruction and field assignments. Suitable for all types of cameras, from DSLR to Point & Shoots, digital or film, and even Smart Phones!
Use our easy online registration form below to sign up!
Just choose the workshop from the drop down menu, and enter your name, email & phone in the proper fields. A separate form needs to be submitted for each entrant; you will be given the opportunity to submit another form after completion. (Parents, feel free to include your children's names if you wish. Please call us at 513-351-0907 or email us at kostoff@xavier.edu if you have any questions!)
Thank you! And we look forward to seeing you!
Dear Parish Faithful,
Christ is Risen!
The long-anticipated pastoral visit by His Grace, Bishop Paul, and the ordination to the diaconate of Paul Gansle, proved to be a wonderful experience for our parish community this past weekend.
Beginning with Great Vespers on Saturday evening and culminating with a majestic Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, we were blessed with the presence of His Grace for a major parish event - Deacon Paul's ordination. Once again, congratulations to Deacon Paul and his entire family.
As worship is at the heart of parish life, it was only fitting that we celebrated the liturgical cycle of Great Vespers and the Divine Liturgy with great beauty and prayerfulness. Our parish choir, under the direction of Pat Pride, was in "top form," and our young servers in the sanctuary were very much up to the task of fulfilling their roles in the rubrically-challenging hierarchical Liturgy. We thank God for a wonderful weekend!
- Fr. Steven
Just below are some notes from Ralph Sidway on the photos of this past weekend now posted on our website:
• Below is a highlights slide show (41 images) of Bishop Paul's visit, from Saturday Vespers to the Hierarchical Liturgy and ordination of Deacon Paul.
• On our Photo Gallery page a larger selection of images is posted, dividing His Grace’s visit into three slide shows to make it more convenient for the viewer. I have also included a personal summary of the weekend.
Highlights of Bishop Paul's visit and the ordination of Deacon Paul Gansle - 05/29/16
This collection of images provides a feel for this landmark event in the life of the parish. Please visit our Photo Gallery page for more photos of the archpastoral visit by His Grace, Bishop Paul, and the ordination of Deacon Paul Gansle.
(41 images)
Dear Parish Faithful & Friends in Christ,
We received Bp. Paul's notice that he will come to Cincinnati for Memorial Day weekend, and that on Sunday, May 29, the Reader Paul Gansle will be ordained to the holy diaconate. We initially anticipated Paul's ordination in the Fall, but His Grace has moved it up. Please join us for this significant event in the life of the parish!
~ Fr. Steven
Schedule for Bishop Paul's visit on Memorial Day Weekend:
• Saturday, May 28, 6:00pm - Great Vespers
• Sunday, May 29: Hierarchical Divine Liturgy:
- 9:00am - Entrance and Vesting of the Bishop*
- 9:30am - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with ordination of Reader Paul Gansle to the diaconate.
• Meal to follow in the Church Hall.
* NOTE: For a Hierarchical Liturgy, the Bishop enters the church early (at 9:00am), and is then vested by the altar servers in the middle of the church as the choir (and faithful!) sing several unique and ancient hymns and responses. This liturgical act of veneration and love for our Bishop +Paul hearkens back to the earliest Christian Church practice, of which St Ignatius of Antioch wrote ca. 107AD:
"Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."
Please join us in honoring this ancient and timeless tradition, as we celebrate one of our parishioners being ordained to the Holy Diaconate!
What is ordination and what does being a Deacon entail?
From an excellent introductory article on Holy Orders in the Orthodox Church:
In the Orthodox Church there are to be found three Major Orders — Bishop, Priest and Deacon — and two Minor Orders — Subdeacon and Reader...
The Holy Apostles appointed seven men (Church Tradition calls them Deacons) to perform a special serving ministry (Acts 6:2-6) and in his first Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul speaks of various ministries in the Church (1 Cor. 12:28). Likewise, he addresses his Letter to the Philippians, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons (Phil. 1:1). In his first Letter to Timothy, the Holy Apostle also speaks of the qualifications of Bishops and Deacons (1 Tim. 3:1-13), as well as in his Letter to Titus (1.5-9).
Ordinations to the Major Orders always occur during the course of the Divine Liturgy...
Much more in the full article...
NOW FEATURED ON ANCIENT FAITH RADIO! — We had the great pleasure of hosting distinguished Orthodox theologian, Fr. Cyril Hovorun this past weekend (April 16-17). Fr. Cyril's main talk was The Pan Orthodox Council: Behind the Iconostasis, in which he provided several unique metaphors and observations to help us reach a better understanding of what the council will and will not set out to accomplish. On Sunday, after concelebrating the Divine Liturgy with Fr Steven, Fr Cyril gave an impromptu post-Liturgy talk on The Orthodox Church in the Modern World. Audio from both presentations with Q&A are available here. Read Fr. Cyril's article based on his presentation here.
On the second Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church in America remembers the saints of North America on this day...
Join us for this special Festal Weekend as we celebrate those who have shone forth in North America!
- Saturday, July 2 - 6:00pm - Great Vespers
- Sunday, July 3 - 9:30am - Divine Liturgy (preceded by the Hours at 9:10am)
Also, be sure to explore our Festal Resource Section for All Saints of North America, which includes special pages for St Herman of Alaska and St John Maximovitch, plus extensive links to other major resources.
...Saints of all times, and in every country are seen as the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem fallen humanity. Their example encourages us to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us” and to “run with patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). The saints of North America also teach us how we should live, and what we must expect to endure as Christians.
Although it is a relatively young church, the Orthodox Church in America has produced saints in nearly all of the six major categories of saints: Apostles (and Equals of the Apostles); Martyrs (and Confessors); Prophets; Hierarchs; Monastic Saints; and the Righteous. Prophets, of course, lived in Old Testament times and predicted the coming of Christ.
Read the full article on the OCA website...
Valerie Weilmuenster returns to Iconic July 22, 23 & 24, 2016!
This year Valerie combines Manuscript Illumination and Calligraphy for a workshop of the quote by St. Augustine:
In this beginning hands-on class, we will be exploring the intricacies of the types of decoration used in sacred prayer books. Instruction will include color mixing using gouache, painting techniques, the application of gold leaf, and both making and applying shell gold. Using a pre- drawn worksheet, each student will have the opportunity to paint and calligraph the quote at left ready for framing.
Friday 7/22 and Saturday 7/23: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday 7/24: 11:30 am – 3:30 pm.
Total cost $250.00
All materials are provided. No experience necessary.
$50.00 non-refundable deposit is due at registration to cover materials.
Deadline for registration is June 20, 2016. EXTENDED TO SATURDAY, JULY 2, 2016!
$200.00 balance is due first day of class.
Full info on the registration form.
Housing accomodations available. Download form here.
"O Heavenly King, the Comforter"
"And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." (ACTS 2:2)
From Fr. Steven:
We were blessed with a truly festal celebration of Pentecost this past weekend. At the Great Vespers on Saturday evening, we had at least forty-five(!) "souls" praying and worshipping in the church, at a service that culminated with the blessing of the loaves and an anointing with the "oil of gladness." In the context of a feast day, that anointing is a manifestation of the joy of receiving the Holy Spirit in the communal act of worship...
—Read Fr. Steven's full reflection on the Feast, and view photos from the services in our Photo Gallery...
From Fr. Steven:
The long-anticipated pastoral visit by His Grace, Bishop Paul, and the ordination to the diaconate of Paul Gansle, proved to be a wonderful experience for our parish community this past weekend.
Beginning with Great Vespers on Saturday evening and culminating with a majestic Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, we were blessed with the presence of His Grace for a major parish event - Deacon Paul's ordination. Once again, congratulations to Deacon Paul and his entire family.
As worship is at the heart of parish life, it was only fitting that we celebrated the liturgical cycle of Great Vespers and the Divine Liturgy with great beauty and prayerfulness. Our parish choir, under the direction of Pat Pride, was in "top form," and our young servers in the sanctuary were very much up to the task of fulfilling their roles in the rubrically-challenging hierarchical Liturgy. We thank God for a wonderful weekend!
Full story with photo highights here.
Expanded photo slide shows on our Photo Gallery page.
Several parishioners represented Christ the Savior-Holy Spirit for the annual Spring Walk for Life held on June 5, crossing the Ohio River to Newport. Full story and photos in our Photo Gallery...