The Epistle and Gospel Readings of the Sundays of Lent
Thursday mornings at 10:00am,
Weeks 2-5 of Great Lent
Dear Parish Faithful,
Thanks to a very encouraging response to the initil announcement, we will proceed with our Thursday morning Lenten Bible Study. This will be a compact series of sessions, on Thursday mornings during the second through fifth weeks of Great Lent.
The goal is to cover the Epistle and Gospel readings for the Second - Fifth Sundays of Great Lent. And that would mean that we will read and discuss the appropriate passages from the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Gospel According to St. Mark.
Here are the passages for reading and discussion:
Hebrews — 1:10-2:3; 4:14-5:6; 6:13-20; 9:11-14
Mark — 2:1-12; 8:34 - 9:1; 9:17-31; 10:32-45
At our first session, I will introduce both books, and we will read the beginning of both: Heb. 1:1-9; Mk. 1:1-11.
Obviously, it is best to read through both books, as that will help us connect the passages.
Please join us if possible, and invite a friend(s) if you would like!
In Christ,
Fr. Steven